VII Jornada Universitaria de Innovación y Calidad

Berrikuntza eta Kalitateko Unibertsitateko VII Jardunaldiak

The fundamental objective of the Day of Good Practices is that all UD staff have the opportunity to present and/or listen to those practices that are carried out at our University and that can serve as a model and guide for others. That is why we want to encourage you to participate in it, either by presenting the good practices or by attending other people's presentations.

La VII Jornada Universitaria de Innovación y Calidad se centrará en: “Buenas Prácticas Académicas y de Gestión para la Innovación del Proceso de Aprendizaje en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES)”.

Good Academic and Management Practices for Innovation in the Learning Process in the European Higher Education Area.

Exhibition of Good Practices

The presentations of the good practices will take place in the Ceremonial Hall Cloister.

ISBN Publication

The presentations made at the Conference will be published in digital with ISBN.

Do you know the Learning Model of the University of Deusto?

Photos of the VII Conference on Innovation and Quality at the University of Deusto. November 2016.

Teaching Innovation Unit

Blog "Aprender para Enseñar"