
Roosevelt phone number is 218-847-1106

Principal: Trish Mariotti - contact information 847-1106 ext 4102

Distance Learning Principal - Principal Karilee Traurig is assigned as the principal for the distance learning programming. If you have questions for an administrator regarding distance learning, please contact Mrs. Traurig at 847-1106 or

Roosevelt Elementary will be providing Distance Learning primarily through Seesaw to all families. Families were contacted and provided opportunities to check out devices from the Media Center or receive support in accessing the Internet at their homes.

  • Each instructional day, teachers will post activities via Seesaw. If your student is participating in distance learning, they have been assigned to a classroom teacher who will reach out to parents to describe the instructional plan.


  • It is important that your child attends school. It is required by the State of Minnesota that schools keep accurate attendance records. Attendance will be measured by daily contact with the classroom teacher. If your child is sick and unable to complete their assigned work, please contact your child’s teacher or the Roosevelt Elementary Office (218.847.9268).

Below is a link to the school's staff page where you can find a link to the teachers' emails.

If students are having technical difficulties with the distance learning, please contact our district's Helpdesk:

Email: or Phone: 218-844-1119.