Middle School

MIddle School phone number is 218-847-9228

Principal: Mike Suckert - contact information 847-9228 ext 3105 msuckert@detlakes.k12.mn.us

As we begin the 2020-21 school year, please know that first and foremost the safety of your child and the staff at DLMS is our most important concern.

  • Each week, teachers will post information about the courses on their landing page. This page is updated for both parents and students by 8:00 AM on Monday if there is school that day. If there isn’t school, then it will be ready by 8:00 AM on the first school day of that week. Teachers will be using a common template to help parents and students find the important information.

  • Students should be interacting with their teachers whether they are in school in-person or working remotely from home.

  • Teachers will take attendance each day, checking in with all students in each class, whether in person or remote. If the student is not online during class time they will be marked absent. Communication with the teacher is extremely important.

  • During distance learning, teachers will use familiar supplemental resources that students have used previously in their classrooms. Teachers will communicate with the students regarding the login information for the needed platforms of Schoology or Google Classroom.


  • It is important that your child attends school. It is required by the State of Minnesota that schools keep accurate attendance records. Attendance will be checked daily. Students need to be logged in or in person to be marked present. If your child is sick and unable to attend remotely, please contact the Middle School Office at (218)847-9228.

Please click on the name of the teacher below to find the distance learning lessons.

If students are having technical difficulties with the distance learning, please contact our district's Helpdesk:

Email: helpdesk@detlakes.k12.mn.us or Phone: 218-844-1119.