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2021 SDO Benguet Accomplishments

SDO Benguet Highlights on the Initiatives, Innovations, Best Practices and Projects Relative to Distance Learning Delivery for School Year 2021-2022

As COVID-19 became a global health crisis in March 2020, each country has implemented preventive measures in response to the rapid increase of COVID-19 infected individuals. The Philippine’s Department of Education responded to this challenge as soon as the ECQ was declared by issuing DepEd Memorandum no. 042, s. 2020 that encouraged teachers with available resources and access to the internet to explore the Online Alternative Learning Delivery Platforms identified by the DepEd Information and Communication and Technology Service (ICTS) that may be used for delivering distance learning during periods of class suspensions and similar circumstances as the current situation dictates such as the popular DepEd Commons.

The Schools Division of Benguet on March 16, 2020 also recommended the engagement of every learner to contain them at home under the so-called “From Classroom to Class home” scheme while the whole province was placed under ECQ. With its aim to provide and deliver basic quality education for all, the Division personnel continued their initiatives and projects through online and offline means to cater to the needs of Ibenguet learners and stakeholders amidst the global crisis.

Presenting to you the Initiatives, Innovations, Best Practices and Projects relative to Distance Learning Delivery for School Year 2021- 2022.

The school year started with the 2021 Division Brigada Eskwela Kick Off Ceremony on August 18, 2021, at Bokod National High School- Ambangeg Extension. The activity was joined by the DepEd CAR Regional Office personnel led by ARD Florante E. Vergara, SDO Benguet staff, school personnel, partners and stakeholders. With the theme, Bayanihan para sa Paaralan, the activity aims to strengthen collaboration and partnership engagements that complement DepEd efforts to implement the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) and to ensure the delivery of quality basic education notwithstanding the COVID-19 Pandemic. This year’s Brigada Eskwela focuses on Brigada Pagbasa which is an after-school reading program that envisions bringing together education partners and experts to help all learners read and become functionally literate. The Brigada Eskwela was also conducted in all schools in the division.

The Division Office strongly supports the Online Learning Management System of the Department of Education. It is a software service which was designed to be utilized for distance learning. Its main goal is to provide the learners with interactive lessons and to be more engaged in their learning process. This coming school year, 2021-2022, ONLINE LMS will be used in teaching our dear learners. Radio-based Instruction will also be utilized as one of the modalities for this school year.

Challenged by the mandates to upgrade ways of delivering quality basic education to the learners, teachers in Bokod National High School-Ambangeg Extension conduct a school-based training in support of the Online Learning Management System.

On September 03, 2021, 62 Provincial School Board paid teachers in Benguet Division joined the Contract Signing and Orientation at Benguet Capitol Gym with Governor Melchor Diclas and SDS Gloria B. Buya-ao. Teachers will be deployed to selected schools for the school year 2021-2022. Also, during the event, Governor Diclas reiterated the procurement of the 2,000 tablets for the IBenguet learners. He emphasized that these may not be enough for 80,000 plus learners in the province, but may augment the essential needs of the schools and learners.

The Schools Division of Benguet will continue to strengthen its best practices to assist in promoting the mission, vision, and core values of the agency. The relevance and importance of these programs, projects and advocacies will greatly help the Ibenguet learners and stakeholders become resilient, responsible and value-driven individuals.

To help address the reported existence of non-readers in the primary grades amid the implementation of distance learning, the SDO Benguet through the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) launched in April this year a crucial reading intervention program dubbed as Project BINDIYAN (Batang I-Benguet Nakababasa, Diwang Isinatitik at Yamang-Angkin Naisasabuhay). Considered as the contextualized equivalent of DepEd-CAR’s Read to Lead program Project BINDIYAN aimed to massively utilize video-based lessons in Beginning Reading in Kankanaey, Ibaloy, Kalanguya and Karao which were produced by the division since the onset of the pandemic last year and will continue on as we face another challenging school year.

Last school year, the Schools Division of Benguet launched localized Information, Education and Communication through the production of video-based materials for learners, parents, caregivers and personnel. Siged ja Abong (Virtual Kamustahan iti Learners, Parentis ken Personnel iti SDO-Benguet) was aired in sometime in August 2020 last year. This is a 10-15-minute Virtual Mini Talk Show or a Pre-recorded interviews from experts, advocates, and fellows of Mental Health. It aims to provide practical information and helpful tips on strengthening wellbeing, resiliency, and mental health in light of COVID-19 Pandemic of parents and caregivers. “Siged ja Abong” is an Ibaloi term which means “Caring Home”. It depicts a family who supports and loves one another amidst COVID-19 global crisis. Thus, turning each Ibenguet house into a home of individuals who are mentally strong and resilient members of the community. The School Health and Nutrition and Youth Formation shall continue producing episodes for Season 3. "Dagiti Saludsod Ni Ambit" will also make its way for a brand new episode this year. This is a 13-minute contextualized mini-drama in Iloko language. The mini-drama will portray frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding COVID-19 and a brief presentation of the new education modalities. Project KALMA which stands for stands for K-Kanayun agusar iti face mask, A-Agusar iti sabon nu agbuggo. Agusar iti alcohol nu awan danum., L-Limitahan iti panagwar iti balay, karkaru iti ubbing, M-Maysa metro a distansya, nu adda daduma a kakadwa and A-Agtultuloy iti panagadal, uray uneg iti balay. This is an initiative of SGOD-Disaster Risk Reduction and Management to promote and advocate observance of minimum health protocols and resiliency of IBenguet Learners. For this school year, Version 2.0 is on the works ensuring the inclusion of KALMA practices in all schools.

The Alternative Learning System (ALS) in Benguet since 2016 has sustained its best practice called ALS PREPARE or Pre and Post Assessment Readiness Endeavor involving the institutionalized conduct of pre and post mock test in preparation for the annual Accreditation and Equivalency (A & E) test of learners. ALS PREPARE enabled facilitators to assess learners’ understanding, knowledge, and mastery of the ALS competencies and eventually providing them with the necessary interventions before the actual A & E test. ALS Prepare is set again for the next school year.

The implementation of programs, projects and activities set for the next school year will continue to elevate and adhere to the SDO’s Banner Practice dubbed as Iyaman or the culture of gratitude. This best practice was created and institutionalized since December 2019 as the cornerstone of leadership and governance. Originally called Informing Yearly Accomplishments, Monitoring Assessments and Networking (IYAMAN) is a yearly gathering in each district to celebrate success and strengthen accountability among stakeholders, IYAMAN is now coined as Integrity Yields Accomplishments, Modifies Advancement, and Nurtures excellence.

Founded on the Benguet culture of gratitude and thanksgiving, IYAMAN was transformed as the banner program of the division which embraces the following sub-programs:

- Innovation and contextualization or enrichment of the curriculum

- Youth formation in reading, numeracy, research, robotics, sports, child protection and health and nutrition

- Active engagement of administrators and stakeholders in School-Based Management (SBM)

- Mobilization and networking with local, national and international partners

- Advancement in human resource development, ICT, gender and development, DRRM and administrative processes

- Nurturance of excellence through appropriate awards and recognition.

SDO Benguet will thrive to strengthen partnership with external and internal stakeholders on the procurement of gadgets or equipment (Two- way radio in lieu of no or weak internet connection), tablets and laptops, continue to implement MOA with PNP – Para teachers for schools that are hard to reach due to problems on transportation and finally, capacitate parents / community members on mental health, adolescent reproductive health awareness, other related psychological measures/ activities and parenting which includes the Aspuan de Parentes. Aspuan stands for Always Supportive Parents who Understand, Adapt and Nurture.

With all these plans and initiatives, it is the hope and prayer of the Division to continue to serve and sustain the delivery of quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic education services for all school-age learners for them to flourish in this challenging time.

Once again, Iyaman.