Liwliwa di Lepanto_LNHS Best practice.mp4

In 2000, the Department of Education launched Special Program in the Arts. This nationwide program aims to foster the potential of artistically-inclined students. Public high schools that offer this program were selected based on the criteria established by the Department of Education. The Special Program in the Arts implements a secondary education curriculum with an additional subject that is centered on the arts. With the K-12 curriculum, the SPA remains as part of the Philippine Education System under “Programs for the Gifted and the Talented” according to the Implementing Guidelines for the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. It’s a vision as defined by the Department of Education in Enclosure No. 1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 335, series of 2004 to create young artists with aesthetic potential that will contribute to preserving the Filipino culture and heritage.

Lepanto NHS is one of the three schools in the Division of Benguet that offer the program. It is now in its fifth year of implementation. Currently, it offers three arts subjects – Music, Dance, and Theater. The offering of Visual Arts, Media Arts, and Creative Writing is also being looked forward. Through its SPA Curriculum, the school aims to explore and cultivate students with an inclination to the arts. This special curriculum is deemed to help students in their preparation for life and work regardless of their chosen careers in the future. Thus, the school is directed to focus on the enhancement of the program by improving the performance of students and developing a SPA resource support program.

It is advantageous that the school is strategically located and equipped with resources such as rooms, libraries, museums, instructional materials as well as local artists and musicians in the municipality of Mankayan.


Even before the implementation of the SPA, the school has an existing organization that enhances and showcases students’ knowledge and talents in the arts – the LNHS Gambang Theater Guild. This group was established in 2009 after joining the invitation of the Cordillera Eco Summit Green Network for workshops. Since then, the guild was known for theater performances on culture and environmental preservation. Gambang Theater Guild is being supported by the Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company and the Mankayan Local Government Unit with the National Commission on Culture and Arts. They perform during LCMC affairs, and community occasions; and compete up to the national level.

The GTG serves as a laboratory for the SPA students in enhancing their skills in the three specializations. They observed, watched, and participated during/in the group’s practices and presentations. Through the group’s influence, the SPA students learned a lot about music, dance, and theater. Also, they acquired indigenous knowledge, skills, and practices that made them realize deeper meaning in the arts.

Students under the SPA curriculum are now being tapped to be members of the GTG. With the support being given to the organization, surely, the students will have more opportunities and exposure to explore, nurture and demonstrate their skills and talents.

Heightening the performance level of SPA students is not only directed to the subject teachers or the concerned department but is a concerted effort. Members of the TLE department are requested to design props and costumes. English teachers are consulted for grammar and pronunciation. Araling Panlipunan teachers provide cultural ideas and concepts. The MAPEH Department the supervises of the practices for an aesthetic results. Furthermore, students’ rehearsals for school or community presentations and for local or national competitions undergo intensive critiquing. Other teachers, even the school head, give comments and suggestions for the progress of the performance and effective outcomes.

Currently, despite the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, the SPA students with their teachers and support providers continue to work toward the goal of achieving mastery of their skills and talents. SPA Showdown, the strategy of showcasing the talents of students shifted from actual to virtual performances via YouTube, Facebook, and messenger.


Facilities, equipment, instruments, and other materials are much needed to ensure the successful delivery of the special curricular program on arts. It is noteworthy to mention that these needs are provided by various stakeholders.

The Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company generously allows the students to use the CPJ Theater - an actual theater with a backstage, dressing rooms, sound system, and lights effect – for their performances.

Some alumni had been conducting seminars and training also to enhance the knowledge and skills of students in staging performances. They coach the students from rehearsals until the final presentations.

Moreover, parents continuously support their children in their educational needs such as musical instruments, costumes, props, and others.

Also, IPED leaders share their knowledge and skills for cultural presentations like dance steps and local stories.

With this support, the students are more motivated to pursue their desires in showing artistic skills.


Klinika Para Sa Kalusugan, Abot ng mga Bata (Balili NHS).mp4

The Department of Education encouraged us, teachers, to innovate, and do research and development projects in our own field. The proponent, therefore, came up with a project that would benefit the learners, teachers, and other stakeholders and will also cater to the external stakeholders of the community as well.

When the proponent reads and understood the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and studied the Annual Improvement Plan (AIP) of the school she was able to come up with innovation using this background, the proponent included again in her action plan as a clinic in-charge the construction of a clinic in its final location. From the school year 2016 until 2019, the improvement did not materialize because of so many limiting factors. Now, the project came into reality because of the determination and collaborative effort between the proponent and the sponsors and partners.

The old site of the clinic 2019 was transferred to the DRRM office in the school and a new location was found for the construction of a new clinic located between the science laboratory building and stage which was a condemned SEDIP comfort room being utilized before as a storage, office and later as a stockroom for agricultural tools. A project proposal was submitted, and the school head approved the said activity. It was then that time that the proponent prepared the sketch of the outcome of the proposed new clinic, listed the materials, and come up with the budget estimate with the help of a skilled carpenter in the person of Mr. Julius Laleao of Mt. Province.

A sponsorship form was utilized for the external stakeholders and discussion with some stakeholders away from the location was permitted for the elaboration of the said project. It was also noted by the proponent that a good link fosters a healthy partnership to them when they entrust their money for a project and counts responsibility.

When the project was ongoing there was a shortage of the budget, the proponent asked for the help of Mr. Vladimir Cayabas of NIIT now a public servant of Baguio City. The councilor spared money amounting to Php 20,000.00 for the said project. Also, some parents spared food for lunch and snacks. Since the labor was big, the paint was not purchased but there were public officials from the municipality of Mankayan who were able to give cash for the purchase.

From the time the project was finished, it was maintained and sustained using the plan of action indicated in the action plan of the proponent until this present school year.

The source of the water was not 100% connected but there are drums placed inside the comfort room to maintain its cleanliness. Some parents also donated additional flowers for the purpose of the physical beauty of the clinic. It was noted that the pandemic started in 2019 so signages about health protocols, entrance and

exits and hotlines of different agencies were included and posted within the posting area of the clinic.

The project was a result of pure sponsorship and networking from sponsors, parents, Local Government Officials, Business sectors, alumni, and students.



“Uplifting Reading Nourishing Oneness Nurturing Godliness Greening the environment”

Project URNONGG (Guinaoang NHS).mp4

PROJECT URNONGG is a brainchild program of the Supreme Student Government of Guinaoang National High School. The word “urnong” in the Kankanaey dialect means “to gather for a cause or to resolve”, this title was specifically chosen because it is one of the most practiced culture in the highlands of the Cordilleras.

“Urnong” usually happens when there is a work needed to be done, thus division of labor would ensure that the task will be done lighter and of quality. “Urnong” also is visible during difficulties in the community such as wake and other mishaps, it shows unity and coherence amongst the people.

The banner Project URNONGG which stands for “Uplifting Reading, Nourishing Oneness, Nurturing Godliness and Greening the Environment”, reflects and adheres to the Core Values of the Department of Education. Uplifting Reading reflects the core value “Makatao”, Nourishing Oneness is the “Makabansa”, Nurturing Godliness mirrors “Maka-Diyos” and Greening the Environment is the “Makakalikasan” core value.

Each of the core values have certain programs, projects and activities which the Supreme Student Government already launched and is continuously working with partners and stakeholders to sustain and reach more learners and realize the DepEd’s battle cry: “Para sa Bata, Para sa Bayan!”

Project URNONGG aims to (a)to ensure that the mandated PPAs of the SSG will be delivered with ease and in a SMART manner, (b) to craft programs, projects and activities in line with the Core Values of DepEd targeting and delivering all this within the school year, (c) to ensure that all learners in view of the inclusive education will benefit from the PPAs, and (d) to inculcate and strengthen the values being adhered to by DepEd.

Most of the PPAs being carried out are done in person through various methodologies depending on the PPA, trainings, workshop, seminars, demonstrations, hands on and other methods are being employed to ensure that the PPA will have a successful output.

For the PPAs which were already carried out, it has been observed that during the primary launching the community and learners are a bit hesitant to participate, but with thorough explanations on its importance they joined without hesitation.

Further we were able to have a full support of the community through their participation and attendances to the activities, members of the community would give their sponsorships through kind and cash to support other programs as well.

Stakeholders and partners were established for all the PPAs which would include them sending speakers and trainers pro-bono, others would sponsor the meals and other logistics during the programs, the LGU has also through the Sangguniang Kabataan allotted budgets for the different Youth activities.

Due to the success indicators of the different programs, there were requests for the reorganization of these programs for the different sectors within the community, parents for examples have requested the suicide prevention symposium to be set for them, other schools have also adopted the various programs set by the SSG, and more importantly it is visible that learners are starting to feel that the learning space they are in is conducive, safe and free from harm.


Guiding, empowering and Alerting the Youth as significant advocates of actions and movements to Better protect and conserve the Environment through Nurturing a sturdier school-community partnership and Gaining supports from stakeholders.


PROJECT GAYBENG is the name chosen for the Youth for Environment in Schools Organization of Guinaoang National High School. The word “gaybeng” is a kankana-ey dialect which usually pertains to plants that’s grows well, healthy and robust”. Further, the title was specifically chosen because it consolidates the end goal and objectives of all PPAs of the Youth for Environment in School Organization.

“Gaybeng “, usually follows when the environment is clean , free of pollution and

well taken care of. Moreover a robust environment is known to affect not just the health of its inhabitant but also the psychological and emotional aspects especially human beings.

Project GAYBENG stands for “Guiding, empowering and Alerting the Youth as significant advocates of actions and movements to Better conserve and protect the environment through Nurturing a sturdier school-community partnership and Gaining supports from stakeholders”, usually reflects the core value “Makakalikasan” and is inspired or guided with the quotation “ We did not inherit the earth from our ancestors we borrowed it from our children”.

To reflect the core value of Makakalikasan , the following PPAs were carried (a)BLOOM which means “Blooming flowers brightens our day and intensifies love to overcome obstacles for a healthier mood”.(b)WARANG meaning“ Waste that are not rightly disposed and neglected are griefs of nature”. (c )PISOK which stands for “ Presence of properly labeled trash cans helps Intensify proper waste Segregation of garbage's to Keep our environment clean and safe”. (d)MULA which means “Mountains are undeniably beautiful if animals linger and abundant trees gigantically grows everywhere”, and (e)GABAY which stand for “Growing Pine Trees and advocacy that aims to better protect and conserve the environment for the youngsters”.

Most of the PPAs being carried out are done through face to face or in person to ensure quality and successful outcomes.Waivers were provided to guarantee parent’s/ guardian’s consent especially to the learners. Covid-19 protocols were considered and observed to guarantee the safety of the participants. Due to the pandemic most activity are done within Barangay Guinaoang and mostly focused on ensuring cleanliness with in the school.

For the PPAs which were carried out, it has been noted and observed that during the conduct of the PPAs the community,learners,volunteers, officers and members of YES-O, faculty and staff and other participants willingly and voluntarily give their full support through their participation and attendances despite the protocols enforced because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, we were able to get support from the different stakeholders to sponsor the needed materials kind or cash for the organization to successfully attain the objectives of each activities.

Coordination among the involved stakeholders were conducted prior to the implementation of the activity, activity designs were submitted to the School Head and waivers were given to the learners. During the activity orientations and checking of attendance were done, pictures were taken. After, reminders and sharing of insights regarding the activity were done informally.

Due to the success and initiatives started by Project GAYBENG it then aims; to continue maintain and sustain what was already started and to add more activities or actions for efficient implementation of the different objectives of the PPAs,to add more PPAs as what was mandated in the DepEd order No.93 s, 2011, to seek more sponsors and support from stakeholders or generous benefactors and lastly to fully influenced the participants on the importance of the PPAs not just to the environment but also to themselves.