“Project INAYAN”

Instilling and Nurturing Adjustment skills and Resilient Attitude amongst the Youth and Adults of Ampusongan National High School”

#PROJECT INAYAN (Ampusongan NHS).mp4

INAYAN is a kankanaey word meaning “to hold back or to prevent an individual from doing something that will put others at risk or doing unpleasant towards himself/herself, others or things.” In this project, INAYAN is used in the context of prevention through wellness advocacies to prevent mental health problems especially in this times of pandemic.

Project INAYAN or Instilling and Nurturing Adjustment skills and Resilient Attitude among the Youth and Adults of Ampusongan National High School aims to provide a continuous mental health or wellness service to the clienteles amidst the COVID19 pandemic.

Specifically, it aims to help learners, parents/guardians and school personnel adjust to the new normal through wellness advocacies, increase resiliency amongst the target audience through wellness activities and promote total well-being/health of learners/parents/school personnel. Also, this project is a supplemental and contextualized support service from the Psychological First Aid activities entitled SEES module that the Department of Education released before the start of the SY 2020-2021.

Furthermore, such project utilizes blended platform which is a combination of printed and online activities/materials to cater and reach out to the clienteles who have or have no connection. To deliver such activities, an online platform created by the Guidance Office via ANHS Main Guidance and Counseling FB Page were utilized while printed IEC materials were included in their learning package and a wellness corner near the school gate was used.

Furthermore, activities/info-graphics instilling the value of physical, mental, spiritual and social health were introduced to help the clienteles to be resilient and well adjusted. Specifically through the conduct of e-lecturettes on wellness/mental health from external resource speakers, e-concert participated by invited guest,school personnel and learners themselves, info-graphics,video graphics, sharing of daily wellness reminders and creation of Ibakun online PFA support group to cater to other stakeholders.

As a result, there were 267 published wellness infographics online, printed and distributed 501 wellness brochure, invited 23 resource speakers online with an average client engagement of 431 online via ANHS Guidance & Counseling FB Page.

In addition, there were 59 clienteles served within and outside Bakun District for SY 2020-2022 and none for the succeeding and current school year which implies that the youth and adults of ANHS and Bakun District are resilient as they are/were able to adjust to the changes caused by this pandemic, thus, it is still important to sustain such program to strengthen and support the resiliency of the stakeholders of the school.


A Career Guidance Innovation

Careerko Careko (Ampusongan NHS).mp4

CAREERKO stands for Continuous Advocacy on career Readiness through Exploration and Evaluation of Relevant skills and Knowledge of the world of work to achieve career Objectives and goals.

Also, “Care ko” emphasizes that the school cares about their career preparation and empowers them to make a well-informed career choices to lessen the tendencies of career mismatch and shifting career choices

This innovation is proposed and implemented to streamline the Placement service of the Guidance Office with following objectives which aims to empower Junior High School learners in their career decision making based on their skills, aptitudes and interest in preparation for the Senior High School Strands, help prepare our Senior High School learners and alumni for their chosen curriculum exits and support the national career guidance program in preparing learners to reach their maximum potential for them to contribute in nation building.

Initially, this project utilized a combination of printed and online activities/materials to achieve its objectives and to cater to learners with or without signal constraints. Specifically, career related printed IEC materials for Grades 7-Grade 12 were given together with their modules with flexible submission and feedback were written on their modules which were given back to the learners after the end of the SY. Also, online activities such as e-lecturettes related to career decision making, virtual coaching were uploaded through the ANHS Guidance and Counselling Services FB page, created messenger group for all students enrolled, conducted the annual career month virtually and provided load assistance. Recently, with the implementation of full face to face classes, in-person career activities were conducted participated by parents and other stakeholders.

As a result, 8 compressed career guidance modules each were produced for Grades 11-12, 3 modules for Grade 10 and 1 each for Grades 7-9. 28 career related info- graphics were shared online, 27 career related info-graphics were created and published, 90 career-related videos were shared online, 41 career related video were created with an average of 2426 online engagements and 44 career related IEC materials were printed.

Such innovation strengthened the Placement service of the Guidance office which is focused on the career readiness and assistance of the learners while supporting the national career guidance program. With the implementation of career related activities, learners, parents, school personnel and other stakeholders, it is observed that stakeholders have an increased awareness of the national career guidance program and students are now willingly asking assistance from the Guidance Office when it comes to career decision making such as their strand/track choices in Senior High School and in college.

Thus, such innovation should be continued and compressed modules can be adopted by other schools.