Project DAPDAP: “Delivering Access for the Provision of needs to a Disadvantaged community for the Advancement and Progress of learners”

Project DAPDAP (Tacadang IS).mp4

“DAPDAP” is an indigenous material used by local folks in manual hauling to carry their supplies/materials. It is made up of bamboo that is carried on the back of the person that is used to hold and tied with the baggage in order that it will be steady and safe upon hiking on different terrain.

Tacadang Integrated School is one of the farthest schools in Benguet with an estimated average number of hours to hike is about five to six hours from the main road. It passes through rugged trails on a mountainous area that it is very difficult to carry loads and transporting materials to the school. One of the problem of the school is the hauling of school supplies that it takes month or several months before these materials were completely hauled to the school. Teachers, Parents, and learners as a practice on what we call “Bayanihan” is usually done in this place which they help one another for the transport of school supplies but some of these materials were delayed due to the difficulties in transportation and manual hauling especially rainy season that the muddy trails were prone to landslide thereby it is very dangerous to the safety of manual haulers. The estimated budget cost for transportation and hauling is more than two or three times the worth of the items but due to the “Bayanihan” activities it lessens its expenses.

From the end of the road, the community will have to manually carry these items through “Bayanihan” activities which will lessen the expenses of the hauling cost that is two to three times the worth of an item. With this practice of “Bayanihan” the school spending an average amount of Php 20,000.00 – Php 25,000.00 pesos for transportation/hauling fee in a year which saves other amount of the school MOOE to finance other school programs and projects.

Despite with this challenge, the school established linkages with the Philippine Air Force in which they acted upon positively in two consecutive years. The first airlift was on February 27, 2021 and the second airlift was on January 14, 2022 which yielded into great accomplishments of the school that paved the way of the burden of all stakeholders in the transport of school supplies.

Finally, through Project “DAPDAP,” the implementation resulted into a great impact to learners. They were given the chance to use this school supplies immediately without delay on their part. Examples is on its usage to their projects, modules and enrichment activities. It also contributed on their academic performance because they had the materials ready to use in order to visualize the activities being given by teachers through the principle of “Hands on, Minds on” principle.

On the part of teachers also, it contributed much on the easy utilization of learning materials which we believed that these learning materials served as an aid in teaching in order that we could effectively deliver our lessons to learners.

Through Project “DAPDAP,” the school is working continuously to strengthened more partnerships with other government entities, non-government organizations and private individuals for the sustainability of the program in which series of activities is being implemented for the attainment of its objectives on the welfare and advancement of every learner.