Social Innovation Partner

Share your social impact expertise & work with Denters this summer (Jul 5- Aug 5) to inspire their human-centered projects with real-world perspective!

Social Innovation Partner Overview

You are alread a Social Innovator working in Baltimore to make an impact!

In this role, you will share realities of the challenge you address, provide context on the success and struggles of your approach, and potentially introduce youth to the people you serve or your work in action.

Based on the insights they gain from interviewing you and seeing your work, youth teams in certain Tracks will develop their BoB project - a social innovation venture, song, zine, or app. You will give youth positive and constructive feedback on how to improve their project!

Dent Overview - Social Innovation Partner Info Session Slides

Our Denters

Community-minded Baltimore City High Schoolers ages 14-18 who interviewed & are selected for being curious, with a growth-mindset, and entrepreneurial & creative passion.

Relevant Tracks for

Social Innovation Partners

Dented Sound Productions

Designed by Ra Shelton

From write lyrics from scratch to releasing your new sound on Spotify!

Social Innovation

Designed by Nikita Mason & Maya Cummings

Make real-world impact through community organizing and policy dev!

App Design Studio

Designed by Cyre Allen

Design engaging solutions to human-centered challenges with no-code-coding!

Social Impact Design Studio

Designed by Kellyn Nettles

Flex your creative eye by graphic-designing visual solutions to social challenges!

General week-by-week Flow

4BMore Example

  • Met with the team at Safe Streets to learn about gun violence prevention

Understanding the problem

Week 1 - Thurs, July 7, 1:45-2:30 pm

Denters learn about your work through interview questions they ask you, a presentation you share, meeting people you serve, and/or seeing your work in action

Your responsibility

  • Can vary! Feel free to just show up at our Dent Site, or prepare a presentation, or set up a field trip for Denters (only if they can meet people you serve or see your work in action)

Defining the Problem

Week 2 - Thurs, July 14, 1:45-2:30 pm

Denters share their insights and a defined, specific problem they identified after interviewing you and doing other research.

Your responsibility

  • Wear your hat as a community expert & social innovator!

  • Provide authentic, positive & constructive feedback on how to deepen their understanding of the problem or whether it should be adjusted in some ways.

  • Can meet Denters at our Dent Site or invite them on a field trip where they can receive feedback from your community members!

4BMore Example

  • The team brainstormed Point of View Statements and defined the problem as: "Baltimore Youth need a way to learn about and speak out on gun violence in a positive, youth-empowering way"

4BMore Example

  • Launched a social media page where they created anti-police brutality videos and reenactments.

  • Safe Streets shared that the reenactments might be considered insensitive and thus the team pivoted!

Build a prototype

Week 3 - Thurs, July 21, 1:45-2:30 pm*

Denters will brainstorm and then prototype a way to address their problem by launching their BoB Project. Based on their track, it will be a social innovation venture, governmental change their advocating for, song, zine, or app.

Your responsibility

  • Wear your hat as a community expert & social innovator!

  • Provide authentic, positive & constructive feedback on whether this prototype does or doesn't address the problem and how it can become more human-centered and impactful.

  • Likely meet at Dent Site Location

* Some Denters will choose to go a different direction for their project. If your direct involvement is no longer needed, we will let you know as soon as our Denters decide.

Improve & Iterate on Prototype

Week 4 - Thurs, July 28, 1:45-2:30 pm*

Denters will iterate on their BoB Project and build it into a higher-fidelity prototype with an eye towards future impact.

Your responsibility

  • Wear your hat as a community expert!

  • Provide authentic, positive & constructive feedback on how this prototype could deepen their impact, where they might consider taking it from here

  • Likely meet at Dent Site Location

* Some Denters will choose to go a different direction for their project. If your direct involvement is no longer needed, we will let you know as soon as our Denters decide.

4BMore Example

  • The team launched a social media empowering youth voice and advocacy while creating conversations around gun violence

4BMore Example

  • Presented their work at City-Wide Bet on Baltimore Showcase

  • Continued in our Accelerate Your Dent Program

Present learnings & Next steps

Week 5:

Wed, Aug 3, 1:30-3:30 pm:

Site Showcase Presenting Final Project*

Thurs, Aug 4, 5:30-7:30 pm:

City-Wide Bet on Baltimore Final Showcase*

Denters will present their learnings, project and next steps.

Your responsibility

  • Wear your hat as a community expert & social innovator!

  • Provide authentic, positive & constructive feedback on their next steps and how to grow their project moving forward

  • Likely meet at Dent Site Location

* Optional to attend, though we'd love to have you

Next Steps

Indicate Interest!

Spots Offered on Rolling Basis

Meeting Locations & LOGISTICS

  • Meeting in-person at our Dent Site Location is preferred with Zoom meetings optional as needed

  • In Week 1 & 2, a field trip to your location is welcomed if there is a specific value to seeing your work in action, or meeting the people you serve where you connect with them

    • The will be coordinated ahead of time

    • If the visit is just coming to see your office without other insights into your work, Dent prefers the ease of meeting at our Dent Site Location

  • If any meetings cannot be made personally, you will try to have another representative or beneficiary available to meet with youth.

    1. If its an emergency or you have to meet at a different time, let us know and Dent will try our best to reschedule, though its not guaranteed

EngagE Youth & Build Connections

Connect one-on-one

  • Share your journey and get curious about theirs!

  • Find common ground on personal and professional levels

Connect with folks on your team

Lean into the Power of Feedback