denternship HOST

in Our denternship program

Experienced Dent youth catalyze creativity at your company or organization as interns addressing an Innovation Challenge

who are denterns

Denterns (ages 15-18) are proven leaders at Dent Education who have launched ventures, utilize specific maker skills, and apply equity-centered, design thinking to creatively solve problems.

why hire denterns?

Impact Baltimore, connect youth, grow talent paths.

Design Thinking & Intrapreneurship at your org, facilitated by Dentern & Dent's DT Experts

Denterns bring human-centered innovation

to real challenges in real organizations.


Innovation Challenge Scoping

Bet on Baltimore 2022: Denternship Challenge Exploration


Denternship Host BoB '22 Onboarding Slides





Denternship Match Day

Tuesday, May 24th, 5:30-6:30 pm, In-Person

Dent matches 2 Denterns with a Denternship Host based on their collective skills, interests, and the Innovation Challenge

  1. Denternship Hosts meet, interview, adjust the Innovation Challenge as needed based on Dentern skills & interests, and confirm whether pairings are a good fit with their 2 matched Denterns.

  2. Denternship Hosts & Denterns confirms whether the pairings are a good fit by Friday, May 27th.

  3. If either Denternship Hosts or Denterns indicate it is not a match, they will let Dent know why and Dent will aim to find a replacement match with another Dent youth to be confirmed by both parties by June 1st



Virtual / in-person

On Denternship Host Days, Denterns can either:

  1. Work in-person at Denternship Host Workspace (ideal)

  2. Work in-person with Denternship Cohort while working virtually with Denternship Host.

If no Host space is available, plan to meet with Denterns at least once a week at UpSurge.

Each day is fully virtual or in-person, unless you are prepared to send Denter in an Uber back to UpSurge.

If schedule changes during the program, communicate with Dentern and Coach the week prior to allow ample time for rescheduling.

Please request anticipated schedule adjustments on this Form.

Denternship Site

UpSurge Baltimore

1501 St. Paul Street, Suite 130, Baltimore 21202

Meaningfully EngagE YOUR Dentern

Weekly 1-on-1

Meet with Denterns 1-on-1 (or 1-on-2 if preferred) each week for 30-60 minutes to...

  • personally connect

  • assign and clarify tasks

    • provide project assignments and manage responsibilities for Denterns that will amount to 8-12 hours per week during Week 2 through Week 5

    • Set SMART goal for the week with a clear deliverable that’s achievable for that week

  • provide feedback on Innovation Challenge progress

  • identify opportunities to build on growth areas (ex: public speaking, email communication)

Build Connections

Connect one-on-one

  • Share your journey and get curious about theirs!

  • Find common ground and catch up about your hobbies

Connect with folks on your team

Lean into the Power of Feedback

Set clear agenda for the day / for meetings

Defining Success

for your Challenge & Dentern