TEch Integration

The document below is an excellent resource to refer to when accessing the level of technology use teachers expect from their students. Our goal at DeKalb County Schools is to help students reach the level of Transformation in Technology.


The SAMR Model is another great tool to look at to make sure that teachers are using technology in the classroom effectively and not simply using "tech for tech's sake." The picture below is a link to the article explaining the SAMR Model.

Level of Teaching Innovation Network - LoTI - This system lists the efforts of teachers' use of technology in the classroom in order from LoTI 0 - Non-Use up to LoTI 6 - Refinement. In DeKalb County Schools we are striving towards LoTI 6 in each of our classrooms.


Teachers can use the poster below to gauge how much "HEAT" is generated in their classrooms and to see where their classroom falls on the LoTI framework.
