You may think that knowing oneself is not important, but it is considered to be the most important factor for most people to survive.

In fact, the basic knowledge that people should learn first is about themselves and their goals so that they may develop their competency and capabilities. When they know themselves and their goals, they can know what they should focus on, what to study, how to earn their living, and what knowledge to seek.

To know their own selves will help them effectively develop other skills. For example, while studying, they know which method to use to study effectively; if they know that they do not have a good memory, they have to take notes from the lesson and regularly review it.

If they know their weaknesses, they can correct them; for example, if they know they are impatient, when they are in a situation that may become violent, they can separate themselves from that situation to calm themselves, looking for the best way to solve that problem.

To efficiently develop skills in solving everyday problems, if they know the cause of that problem whether it is from their own selves or not, they know how to cope with their emotions.

To find true happiness from what they choose to do helps to bring their own happiness and results in learning and understanding others. That can reduce conflict and encourage good relationships.

People who do not know themselves may try to adopt social trends, imitating people around them who do not have their own objectives For example, trying to find their own happiness they may go around with friends, and become addicted to drugs. When entering a university, they follow the trend of that time or follow their friends. As a result, they cannot experience true happiness in their life which causes various problems. These people cannot cope with problems, most of which may or may not be caused by themselves; they usually accuse others, which makes it difficult to completely solve those problems.

These skills are, therefore, the most essential ones which everyone must learn and practice since they cannot develop by themselves. People must undergo various experiences such as disappointment, pain, failure, etc., which helps us to know ourselves. People around us can also reflect us. The sooner we know ourselves, the more advantage we get, which helps us reach the target of our lives faster resulting in succeeding in life even if you must cope with a lot of pressure.

These skills should be studied from an early age and learned from our most important persons, our parents. Parents should help their children find out about themselves by experimenting with various experiences such as doing housework or other activities that interest them. Parents support and facilitate them and select appropriate activities for their age and their interests for the sake of their happiness and safety. For example, if they want to participate in a social development camp or sports camp, parents have to consider how safe the activities are before giving permission. Sometimes, in some situations, parents should let them have freedom in making decisions like choosing what they study or what to do in the future. It is better to give them good suggestions than to force them to do what parents want them to do. Research confirms that it is a parents’ duty to let their children make mistakes, but to foster positive attitudes towards themselves.

An example of this is a student who failed a mathematics test and was chastised by the teacher who told the student that he was stupid. The parents knew how hard the student tried, so it would be better to encourage him to see himself as an intelligent person, who just may not be excellent at math. This way he can be confident in his intellect and efforts; otherwise, that student might become obsessed with what the teacher told him. As a result, he cannot succeed in life in the future. Parents can help their children understand themselves by observing their behaviors and emotions in different situations and giving them suggestions. These may encourage them to learn about themselves instead of blaming other people or situations.

Another example is when their children receive bad grades. Many students would accuse the teacher of bad teaching or claim that even though bad, their grades are better than their friends. In this case, parents should explain to them that they should not complain or compare with their friends. Instead, have them analyze what their best points and weakest points are. Some weak points might include lacking discipline or inappropriate time management. Parents can point out these weak points and help them plan their studies.

Parents can teach and remind them how to behave appropriately in each situation in order to prevent them from misbehaving including finding out the methods to cope with problems.

For example, if parents know that their children are bad tempered or easily anger, they should tell them the effects of that style of behavior on their lives if they keep doing it. At the same time trying to work this out together in order to help them efficiently cope with their emotions by reacting incorrectly to the situation. One way to avoid situations that stimulates their emotions is to find some place that helps them to calm down and control their anger.

Knowing themselves thoroughly is more important than any other learning process. It is a long-life process that results in happiness and a foundation for success in life. Parents can be a reflection for their children to make them truly see themselves as they are.