Health Topics

based on Maine Learning Results standards for Middle School

October 11, 2021:

So far in Health we have thought about influences in our lives that help promote a health lifestyle.

Health Influences:

D1- Influence on Health -- Examine how family, school, and community influence the health behaviors of adolescents. Describe how peers influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors. Analyze the messages from media. Explain how the perceptions of norms influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors. Explain how culture and personal values and beliefs influence individual health behaviors.

D2- Technology and Health -- Analyze the influence of technology, including medical technology, on personal and family health.

Personal Health:

A4- Personal Health: Analyze how environment impacts personal health. Describe how family history can impact personal health. Explain how appropriate health care and nutrition can promote personal health.

A3- Diseases/OtherHealth Problems-- Identify causes of common adolescent diseases and other health problems and describe ways to reduce, prevent or treat them.

C3- Self-Management & Stress management

Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy strategies for stress, anger and grief management.

C2- Avoiding/ Reducing Risks -- Develop injury prevention and response strategies including first aid for personal and family health.

Throughout the Year: F1- Decision Making-- Students apply decision making skills to enhance health.