7th Grade Units

What's new in 7th grade?

7th grade has started their Chemical Reactions unit. We had a week off due to NWEA scheduling and are excited to get back at it. Students are interested in discovering what makes bath bombs fizz, what the gas bubbles are made of and how to make their own at home!

WE are Respectful: Our classroom is a safe space to share.

We provide each other with support and encouragement. We share our time to talk. We do this by giving others time to think and share. We critique the ideas we are working with but not the people we are working with.

WE are Equitable: Everyone’s participation and ideas are valuable.

We monitor our own time spent talking. We encourage others’ voices who we have not heard from yet. We recognize and value that people think, share, and represent their ideas in different ways.

We are Committed to our community: We learn together.

We come prepared to work toward a common goal. We have our own thinking to help us all learn. We listen carefully and ask questions to help us understand everyone’s ideas. We speak clearly and loud enough so everyone can hear.

We move our science thinking Forward: We work together to figure things out.

We use and build on others’ ideas. We use evidence to support our ideas, ask for evidence from others, and suggest ways to get additional evidence. We are open to changing our mind. We challenge ourselves to think in new ways.

And always remember, WE DO HARD THINGS.

Daily Participation Points-

On your report card, Characteristics of an Effective Learner scores are reflective of your ability to: Show RESPECT- We show respect for adults, classmates and property and being an active listener. Your CEL grade is also reflected on how well you show RESPONSIBILITY- by using time wisely and by completing assignments on time. Each day we will earn 2 participation points. One for Respect and one for Responsibility. If you follow the following examples you will earn 2 points. If you have a hard time being respectful or responsible one day, you will not receive the point for that lab session, but the next day is a whole new opportunity to be your best.

How to be respectful and responsible in our classroom: (How to get those points!)

Arrive to class on time and settle into your seat without difficulty.

Come to class prepared and gather materials in an organized fashion.

Listen to directions carefully.

Work toward the assignment and do not create a distraction to self or others.

Actively listen, do not interrupt.

Uses class materials in an appropriate manner.

Be respectful to all learners in the classroom.

Complete tasks within a given time frame or ask for extra help.

Clean up the lab space and materials in a timely manner and return them to where they belong.