Health Topics

based on the Maine Learning Results Standards for Middle School

October 11, 2021:

In Health we have been discussing the Health triangle. We have looked at the aspects of our health that need to be well balanced in order to ensure wellbeing. Ask you student what the 3 concepts that make up the triangle are!

Introduction to Health:

A1-Healthy Behaviors --- Identify sources that support a healthy lifestyle. Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health. Examine the relationship between healthy and unhealthy behaviors and personal health. Identify the possible barriers to practicing healthy behaviors.

A2- Dimension of Health Explain the interrelationship of physical, mental/intellectual, emotional and social health.

A6- Basic Health Concepts- Explain the essential health concepts related to family life, nutrition, personal health, safety and injury prevention, tobacco, alcohol and other drug use prevention.

C2-- Avoiding/Reducing Health Risks-- Demonstrate ways to recognize, avoid or reduce health risks to self and others.

Communicating Needs:

E1- Interpersonal Communications -- Using communication to build relationships, asking for help, saying NO!, conflict management, understanding boundaries, communicating about sensitive topics, more than friends/liking and loving, reproductive education sleuth (puberty review) while also an exercise in resource allocation

C1-- Healthy Practices- Students demonstrate a healthy practice and/or behavior to maintain or improve their own health in each of the following areas: personal hygiene, healthy eating, physical activity,

Advocacy Project:

E2- Advocacy Skills --- Take a health enhancing position to advocate, communicate a healthy message, work cooperatively as an advocate.

B1- Validity of Resources- Students analyze the validity of health information, products and services.

B2- Locating Health Resources-- Students locate valid and reliable health information, products and services by researching situations requiring the use of valid and reliable health information, products and services and using this information to build the advocacy project.

Year End Review:

A5- Human Growth and Development-- Body systems review, including reproductive health.

A6- Basic Health Concepts- more than friends/liking and loving, Change is good (puberty review) and A1- healthy behaviors -- reliable resource allocation (reproductive education sleuth).

Throughout the Curriculum: F1- Decision Making-- Students apply decision making skills to enhance health.