October 13th and 14th 2023


The 9th edition of the Conference on Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland (MEI 9) will take place at the Institute of Education, St Patrick’s Campus, Dublin City University, on Friday October 13th and Saturday October 14th, 2023. The conference serves to promote and facilitate discussion on mathematics teaching and learning across the continuum from early childhood education to third level education. The organising committee is delighted to invite contributions from all sectors of mathematics education, both nationally and internationally, to create a collaborative and productive forum to address the conference theme, Conceptualising Success in Mathematics Education.

Please see the Call for Papers page for more details.   

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Conference Theme: Conceptualising Success in Mathematics Education

The discourse on success in mathematics education is populated with reference to student achievement and proficiency on standardised examinations – a distinguishing, tangible measurement taken to represent the success, or by association, failure, of a child, student, or adult, in their studies of mathematics. Guetiérrez (2013), however, contends that taken-for-granted ways of operating that privilege some individuals and exclude others should be uncovered and challenged to not just better understand, but to transform mathematics education. Therefore, MEI 9 serves to provide a space to investigate what – and who – constitutes success in mathematics education, and how this is achieved.

Goals and interpretations are related; goals affect interpretations and new interpretations result in new goals (Nicholls et al., 1990). The impact of this is two-fold; on the one hand, learners in mathematics may evaluate themselves and co-ordinate their actions and behaviours to fit with the prevailing discourse on what success is in mathematics; while on the other, learners and practitioners alike have the capacity to alter prevailing discourses and re-inscribe them with new meanings (Guetiérrez, 2013). Thus, MEI 9 affords the opportunity for those working in the field of mathematics education to challenge existing conceptions and perceptions of success, and initiate new meanings, collaboratively developed, fitting with the needs of the informed, equitable, and socially-just citizen of the 21st century. 

Gutiérrez, R. (2013). The Sociopolitical Turn in Mathematics Education. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 44(1), 37-68.  

Nicholls, J. G., Cobb, P., Wood, T., Yackel, E., & Patashnick, M. (1990). Assessing Students' Theories of Success in Mathematics: Individual and Classroom Differences. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 21(2), 109. 

Conference Registration

Conference registration is available through the ConfTool conference registration system: 

Conference Registration Fees

Full registration: €150

Discounted rate (applicable for students and retirees): €80