
Welcome to Stagecraft!

In this class, we will gain experience in the various areas of technical theatre. We will explore the principles of design through the disciplines of tech theatre including costumes, props, set design, make-up, publicity, lighting, and sound. Please use this page as a resource and to stay up to date with class assignments.  

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at

If you are absent please check this page and your Google Classroom before asking Ms. Sweeney. 

Ms. Sweeney's Stagecraft Syllabus, Classroom Contract, and SOAR Expectations

What is Stagecraft?

Prerequisites: None.

Description:  Theater Stagecraft course provides students with experience and skill in one or more aspects of theatrical production, such as lighting, costuming, sound, set construction, makeup, stage management, and the use of computer applications to support these functions. Initial courses are usually introductory in nature, while more advanced courses emphasize improving technique, expanding students’ exposure to different types of techniques and traditions, and increasing their chances of helping to mount public productions.