
Welcome to Thespian Troupe #89310

Thespian Pledge 

“I promise to uphold the aims and ideals of the International Thespian Society.  I am a student of theatre and excellence is my ideal. I promise to perform my part as well as I can;  to accept praise and criticism with grace; to cooperate with my fellow thespians and work for the good of the troupe; and to share my love of theatre.”

SMS Thespian Troupe

Join the Thespian Troupe Google Classroom for updates! Thespians is open to all SMS students and is a great way to connect with other theatre-lovers! Talk to Ms. Sweeney for more information. 

Thespian Troupe is back! 

Join us for our field trip to Junior ThesCon on Thursday, December 7th 

(more info to come)

Junior ThesCon!

We have been given the opportunity to join thousands of other middle school thespians at the Colorado Junior Thespian Conference on December 1st! The Thespian Conference allows students to meet other students who share a passion for drama/technical theatre, attend workshops by working professionals from Denver, L.A., and New York, compete against others in given performances, and see a full-length theatrical production at the Bellco Theatre. 

Save the Date Junior ThesCon 2023: 

Thursday, December 7th

Please contact Ms. Sweeney for more information and to find out how you can join our Thespian Troupe. 

What is Thespians?

Thespian Society aims to promote collaboration, creativity, and philanthropy within Sierra Middle School. Students will meet monthly to plan events surrounding theatre, including community outreach events, spirit days, fundraisers, and student events (beginning and end of year picnics). Students will be led by a Drama Council, chosen by Ms. Sweeney through an interview process.

The International Thespian Society (ITS) is the student honorary division of Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) recognizing excellence in middle and high school theatre. Membership into ITS is earned by participating in theatrical productions and activities and accumulating points towards membership. This organization has been honoring excellence in the work of theatre students since 1929. Students active in Thespian Troupe will have the ability to be apart of Drama Council Leadership.