Useful Information

Use the links below for more information on the following groups:

Download any Metronome App to help you practice keeping time while you dance and spin at home!

Use the following links for recommendations on personal equipment purchases:

To save money on shipping, we will often do group orders if enough members want to order their own equipment.

We spin 6' flags at PHS!

For 6' flag poles

Weights for 6' Flag

Two 1.5" carriage bolts 1 BLA for the top and 1 BDB for the bottom of your 6' flag pole. You can purchase these at Home Depot for less than $1 each!

Weighting Your Pole

How do I weight my flag? Here are a few resources to help you out!

Taping Your Pole

How do I tape my pole and attach the silk?

Electrical Tape for Flags and Auxiliary Equipment

You can find black and white electrical tape at Home Depot for taping on silks and crutch tips onto your flag pole.

You also use electrical tape for marking equipment for hand placements or spotters.

You also use electrical tape when you purchase rifles and sabres to protect your equipment.

These are fingerless and padded to protect your hands when spinning, especially rifles and sabres.

You can also buy similar gloves from a local sporting goods store in the weight lifting section, Amazon, or anywhere you find the best deal!

If you want to wear your guard gloves during a winter guard competition, you will only be allowed to wear the color tan/nude.

These are a part of our uniform in color guard and winter guard.

Jazz shoes help protect your feet while dancing while offering a split sole that allows your foot to stay easily turned out and pointed. 

Black or nude will be determined based on the theme of our show and which works better for our costumes!

We encourage families to find the best deal on jazz shoes from any location they prefer. They can be slip on or tie, but they need to be split sole.

Color Guard Skills for Beginners

Here is a website you can use with guided videos and information for beginning guard members learning their new skills.