The Planets

In this lesson we will take a closer look at the Planets. We will bring back some of the math we learned in Size, Scale, and Distance as we compare the planets and learn about them. For an introduction to the planets lets watch Bill Nye! Click here for the Bill Nye Worksheet. If the video doesn't work, click here

For notes on the planets we will be making a foldable, which when we finish will be like a flip booklet that you can read through to learn about the planets. View the video below to find out how to make the foldable and learn some interesting facts about the planets. We will Use 6 sheets of paper and we will label ours The Solar System.

Click here to print a copy of the Planet Data sheets that we glued into the foldable.

Click here for your Planet Review Worksheet

Planet Comparison

Click here for interesting facts, and some descriptions of the graphs below.

Distance from The Sun

Remember our Mnemonic devise to remember the order of the planets from the Sun.

"My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles"


Which planet is the hottest?


Can you name them in order of size?

*soe - size of Earth

  • Jupiter - 1,120% soe

  • Saturn - 945% soe

  • Uranus - 400% soe

  • Neptune - 388% soe

  • Earth - 100% soe

  • Venus - 95% soe

  • Mars - 53% soe

  • Mercury - 38% soe

Gravity increases as the mass increases.

On which planet would you weigh the most?


How long is 1 day on each planet?

How long is 1 year on each planet?

Data on the planets
Planets Info

For information on the names of every planet and their moons. Click Here

For more information on the gravitational forces of each planet, try this Gravity Extension Activity.