Renewable vs Nonrenewable Energy

In this section we will take a look at the various forms of energy and how they can be used to supply our energy needs.

  • Standard PS 4 says that students should know that "There are ways of producing electricity using both nonrenewable resources such as coal or natural gas and renewable sources such as hydroelectricity or solar, wind, and nuclear power."

  • Standard LS 1 says that "Human activities can deliberately or inadvertently alter ecosystem and their resiliency."

Focus on this question:

  • What energy sources should the U.S. be researching in order to plan for the future’s energy needs?

As humans, we require vast amounts of energy to run our every day lives, and as Americans we may be the worst about how much energy we use. Are we being good stewards of our energy? Remember that there is a finite amount of energy available in the universe. Watch this video and see some of the issues that America faces.

There are ways of producing electricity using both nonrenewable resources (such as such as coal or natural gas) and renewable sources (such as hydroelectricity or solar, wind, and nuclear power).

Watch this video to learn about some possibilities for future energy sources.

We will be using a Compass Points Activity mixed with a webquest. Students will be completing research on the various sources of energy and how they are used to supply electricity to the world. As they complete their research they will reflect on the sources of energy and list the Exciting (Pros) and the Worrisome (Cons) to the forms of energy. After their research students will decide their stance and make suggestions for energy research moving forward.

Energy Compass Points

A routine for examining positions

To help students flesh out an idea or position and eventually evaluate it.

E: Excited

What excites you/others about the idea/ topic/ position? What is the Upside?

W: Worrisome

What do you/others find worrisome about the idea/ topic/ position? What is the Downside?

N: Need to Know

What else do you need to know or find out about this idea/ topic/ position? What other information would help you evaluate things?

S: Stance or Suggestion for Moving Forward

What is your current stance or opinion on the idea/ topic/ position? How might you move forward in your evaluation of this idea/ t

Link to the Full Assignment.