
Many of the energies we have discussed are mechanical, meaning they require particles or a medium in order to transfer energy. Light (electromagnetic energies) are different. They do not need a medium. They travel as a form of radiation. Electromagnetic energy can travel through the void space.

Example of Electromagnetic energies include; heat from a burning fire, the light from the sun, the X-rays used by your doctor, as well as the energy used to cook food in a microwave are all forms of electromagnetic radiation. While these forms of energy might seem quite different, they are related in that they all exhibit wavelike properties.

Source: Khan Academy

Section 1: Light and Color

We start with looking at how light energy interacts with different objects as it hits them. There are three ways that light will interact with objects. It can be reflected, transmitted, or absorbed.

We also need to understand the property of the object as this will help determine what happens to the light as it interacts with the object. Objects are classified as either opaque (zero transmission), translucent (some light transmits), or transparent (all light transmits)

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Section 2: Reflection and Mirrors

The Law of Ange of Incidence states that the angle light hits a surface is the angle it will reflect off the surface. If the surface is smooth, you get a good reflection. If it is not smooth the light is scattered.

Section 3: Refraction and Lenses

As light enters a different medium at an angle, the speed the energy is traveling will change. When this happens, the rays will bend or change direction. This is called refraction.