Physical Education

Meet Mrs. Balfe

Hello! I'm Megan Balfe and I've been teaching elementary physical education in DCSD since 2001. Before teaching in DCSD I taught Health & P.E. for 6 years in Fairfax County Public Schools in Northern Virginia. I graduated from James Madison University with a degree in Kinesiology and Health Education. I earned my master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Colorado Christian University. I believe in making the most of everyday. DO WHAT YOU LOVE, LOVE WHAT YOU DO! I have always had a passion for health and fitness. I strive to instill the importance of living a healthy, active lifestyle to my students through teaching developmentally appropriate skill sets and lifelong activities and sports. My professional teaching goal is to provide a high quality physical education program by creating proficient and confidant physically active students. Discover a physical activity you enjoy doing, and do it for life. 

My husband and I have two sons who are in 11th grade and a second year at Cal Poly, SLO, CA. I love being physically active. My fitness hobbies include yoga, H.I.I.T., running, swimming, biking, and skiing.

We participate in the Run For Independence 5k every year in Winter Park, CO.

July 4, 2023. 

Proud PE Teacher at Coyote Creek Elementary, Fall 2021

Tree pose at the summit of Byers Peak (12,816 ft.) Fraser, Colorado - July 2020