Session 5 1:45 - 2:35

Main Building

5147 Conscious Discipline in the Classroom (PreK-2) - Kim Hughes, Master Instructor for Conscious Discipline and Peggy Nuckolls

Conscious Discipline training will equip educators to integrate social-emotional learning, discipline, and self-regulation so they spend less time policing behavior and more time teaching vital life skills. This training will give you everything you need to decrease problem behaviors, power struggles, impulsivity, and aggression, while increasing resilience, self-regulation, emotional health and overall achievement. Conscious Discipline is a leader in brain-based, trauma-informed social-emotional learning.

5158 What's the New Buzz on Drugs: What Are Teens Doing - Derrick Vickers

What are teens being exposed to as far as substance misuse? This seminar will inform teachers, admins and support staff on rising drug trends that are specific to Davie County.

First Floor Education Building

5339 Supporting Davie SLPs through Online Professional Development (Speech) - Kristine Drum

This session will incorporate a series of online webinars for continuing education in the area of speech/language pathology. This session will last the entire Davie Experience and include a variety of topics in current diagnosis, planning and treatment of speech/language disorders.

5342 Canvas Working Session (9 - 12) - Tim Younts and Ann Davis

*Digital Learning Competencies Credit

This will be a working session for Canvas users. Tim Younts, Ann Davis, (and hopefully a few other Canvas gurus!) will be available to meet you where you are with your Canvas needs. We will also cover a few tips like how to auto-fill scores in the grade book, recovering deleted content, and how to share just the Canvas syllabus without permitting access to the course. It would help us to better prepare if those planning to attend will respond to the form linked here.

Second Floor Education Building

5405 S.A.F.E. Substance Abuse Family Education of Mocksville (6 - 12) - Jason Ijames and Koula Black

S.A.F.E. Substance Abuse Family Education of Mocksville is a program designed to interact with community members from all walks of life. A weekly workshop is presented every Tuesday evening at 113 Mill Street 630p-800p. Our goal is to educate and inspire those who suffer from from addiction, but also to teach their loved ones or those who lack understanding about addiction: the science behind these afflictions. S.A.F.E. utlizies the Smart Recovery Model and LIfe-Coaching techniques. For more information check us out on our Facebook page : Substance Abuse Family Education or discover the background of our education lessons work at

5406 Arts at Read to Achieve Summer Camp (K - 5) - Amanda Juhasz, Amy Chappell, Brenda Mosko, and Mindy Ledbetter (Session 5)

Presentation on the importance of using the arts to support the learning happening in the regular classroom. Participants will get to experience some of the visual arts, movement and music activities that were taught at RtA camp. Collaborative Planning Document, Arts Infused Education RtA Notebook

5407 Vocabulary Instruction Across Content Areas - Laura Sturgill, Debbie Whitehead, and Tracy Miller

*Literacy Credit

This is a booster session for staff who have already attended either Reading Foundations or Reading Research to Classroom Practice. We will focus on providing explicit vocabulary instruction in core content areas at various grade levels. Presentation, Flyswatter Game, Blank BINGO Card

5408 Growing Lovers of Words (K - 5) - Rebecca Belcastro

*Literacy Credit

This session will provide teachers with a strategy to strengthen vocabulary instruction. Participants will explore semantic gradients to broaden and deepen students' understanding of related words. Participants should bring a read aloud book to support with application of the strategy in their classrooms.

5409 Trauma in the Classroom (K - 5) - Joanna Finer

Chronic trauma impacts the brain and brain development. Learn how chronic trauma impacts the brain and what that means for the classroom and teaching.

5420 & NC Kids Digital Library: How to Use the Two Best Resources from the Public Library! - Julie Whittaker

Educators will receive an in-depth, hands-on training on two of the Davie County Public Library’s best eResources. Not only will a demonstration be given, but individuals will walk away with ideas on how to implement these resources in any educational environment. The Davie County Public Library will also spend a bit of time discussing the Student Access initiative which gives all Davie County Students and Teachers a fine-free library account in which both print and digital materials can be accessed.

5421 A Tale of Two Ecosystems: Data Collection with Vernier (6 - 12) - Kathy Melious and Collin Ferebee

*Digital Learning Competencies Credit

The innovation lab has two aquatic ecosystems. We will use vernier probeware to do a comparative water quality analysis

5422 (Learning Commons) MobyMax: How to Make it a Useful Tool (2 - 8) - Cindy Cline

*Digital Learning Competencies Credit

The focus will be on how to use MobyMax in the classroom to support student learning and to progress monitor. Be ready to share how it is used at your school and what specifically you have found useful.

5423 Connected Ed Begins with Twitter - Stacy Lovdahl

*Digital Learning Competencies Credit

Learn how to set up or transform your Twitter account into a force for education awesomeness. This session is focused on new Twitter users. Learn how to set up your Twitter account, follow educators, Tweet to connect and get the most out of your professional learning network. This session can be customized for specific departments, content areas or grade-levels.

5424 Nurses Online

Nurses will participate in On-line continuing education in one of the following areas: 1) Nurse, Take Care of Thy Self 2) Infection Control 3) Meeting the Challenge of Pediatric Pain Patients 4) An Action Plan for Cultural Competence or 5) Medication Non-adherence. All on-line CEUs are available free through SNANC (School Nurse Association of North Carolina) website.

5425 Looking Good! Easy and Impressive Presentation Tools for Teachers and Students - Julie Marklin and Sara Rhyne

*Digital Learning Competencies Credit

Join us to learn about, Spark Video, and Metaverse, three online presentation tools that can be used by you or your students to easily create professional looking products for the classroom.

5426 Whose House? (6 - 8) - Nick Strickland, Janet Dyson, Julie Smith, Dawn Lowery, Jeremy Brooks, Becky Little, and Samantha Wallace

"A house system is a team within a school that allows students to make friends outside of their normal classes, enjoy friendly competitions, have a sense of identity and belonging with others. This system allows students to have mentors and guidance from adults that they do interact with on a daily basis. Houses compete for points, which are tracked on a leader-board. Having the most points comes with rewards throughout the year.

We have based our house system on a combination of methods used at Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, a world-famous private school headed by former National Teacher of the Year Ron Clark, author of The Essential 55 and other books. His work with houses is based on what is used in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.”

5433 Eligibility for Extended Content Standards (NCEXTEND1) and Occupational Course of Study (OCS) (Administrators and Teachers) - Jennifer Custer, Lydia McCabe, and Wendi Maglio (Session 5)

This session will outline the eligibility criteria for instruction in the Extended Content Standards and participation in NCEXTEND1 state assessments. Presenters will also review the student history and characteristics that must be documented when considering a student for the OCS Pathway.

5435 Volunteer Tracker Volunteer Opportunities - Stephanie Koefoed and Debbie Core

You know your volunteer needs better than anyone else! Help make the volunteer experience better for all with more details for the volunteers. targeted activities and/or volunteers and ease of logging volunteer hours. Take advantage of this powerful tool to engage, equip and empower our volunteers!

5437 Future Teachers of NC: Who are they? - Kerstin Steinour

We have started a new course at Davie High called Future Teachers of NC-Teaching as a Profession. This is a pilot program in conjunction with the UNC school system. High school students are exploring the world of teaching in grades K-12. Come and learn how can you help grow our future teachers through observation and internship opportunities.

5438 Using ACT Academy to target instruction and increase student performance - Marchelle Horner (Sessions 4, 5 & 6)

Teachers and students can use the free, personalized learning resources provided in ACT Academy to target student instruction, evaluate student growth, and prepare students to maximize their potential.

5439 Autism and Behavior Management - Kaylin Royals and Michael Errickson

The content for the presentation will be as follows: characteristics of Autism, how to utilize sensory integration strategies and visuals within the total school environment, increase effective communication, and utilize deescalation techniques.

5440 PBIS Bootcamp: Module 2 Refesher - Amy Vaughan-Jones

Module 2: This session will focus on the problem solving model used with PBIS in the Tier 2 or Supported Tiers to work with students with challenging behavior. This session will cover how students are moved to a Tier 2 level and the types of interventions found at this Tier, such as Check in/Check out and small group social skill targeted instruction

5441 NextGen Personal Finance - Sandy Wheat and Naomi Richardson

NextGen Personal Finance (NGPF) is the best thing since sliced bread if your curriculum includes personal finance or college/career readiness. Attend this session to learn about this innovative no-cost resource that utilizes GoogleDocs, making your job a lot easier. Teachers are raving about this resource!

5442 Psychosis Simulation and Presentation (6 - 12) - Meenal Khajuria

Psychosis is a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality. Psychosis Simulation is an experience that involves an interactive learning simulation of hearing voices, one of the symptoms of psychosis. During the training, participants will receive a presentation where they learn the symptoms and signs of psychosis, as well as the risk factors, incidence and treatment options.

*You will need headphones for this session

Third Floor Education Building

5521 Collaboration through Google Documents - Katie Ward and Ashley Hughes

*Digital Learning Competencies Credit

Understanding google documents and collaboration with colleagues through google drive.

5523 Utilizing the New Google Classroom - Pam Cook and Gretchen Nicholson

*Digital Learning Competencies Credit

Are you interested in learning how to setup a Google Classroom for your students, a club, or with other teachers? Come find out how to use the new Google Classroom format to reach all of your students and others.

5524 All About Number Worlds - Emily Emert, Jessica Lancaster, and Melanie Weaver

We will go over how we use Number Worlds in the resource and self contained setting, and touch on how regular ed teachers could use it as a math intervention. We plan to share an overview of the program (different levels and content), how we have each have used it with groups, and student growth.) We will bring the kits and let faculty go through them and see how the program works.

5525 Explore Edpuzzle - Kelly Sherrill

*Digital Learning Competencies Credit

Want to increase student engagement and active participation? Edpuzzle is a platform that consists of video-lessons with the ability to embed questions, comments, and audio within the video. We will explore Edpuzzle and features it offers to help create a self-paced and blended learning environment. This session is for new to Edpuzzle users all the way up to our Edpuzzle champions. It will start off with the basics of Edpuzzle then move into some exploration time, and finish up with our new features and our upcoming features! Come and explore what Edpuzzle has to offer for you and your students!

5526 Safe Spaces and Sensory Interventions (K-5) - Sydnee Autry, Laura Beth Dotson, & Sarah Vogler

A part of compassionate and resilient school is having a safe space for children to go and be allowed freedom of expression without ramifications as well an area to decompress and process when they (the student) feel they are able. It is also used as a teaching tool to regulate emotions and problem solve way to prevent future classroom disruptions. Sensory interventions are applicable ways to alleviate stress that our bodies feel prior to a child displaying an inappropriate or less than desirable behavior.

5527 Up, Up, and Away with NCWiseOwl - Donna Murray

*Digital Learning Competencies Credit

Use of NCWiseOwl supports curriculum standards, differentiation and personalized learning. In this session, we will take a closer look at NCWiseOwl content and the features available to help teachers and students soar to new heights. These FREE resources are just a click away!

CTE Building

5608 War Rat - Seth James and Will Marrs

This is a presentation on the RATrod that was spearheaded by Mr. James' automotive level 2 & 3 and Mr. Marrs' Drafting 3 Engineering classes. The car was a project built to represent Davie High School at a S.T.E.A.M. competition in Charlotte, NC and includes collaborations with several other CTE Classes at DHS. The RATrod exemplifies student work in such things as custom fabrication, 3D printed parts, a hydrogen fuel cell, recycled car parts among various other things. This vehicle represents the high caliber of students involved in the CTE program at DHS and has even been officially recognized by the first Lady of NC, Mrs. Kristin Cooper.