Modified Art

Our middle school Special Needs Program is a low incidence program (a smaller number of students with the disability are in the population). Students needs are evaluated by the coordinator of the program, the physical therapist, occupational therapist and the speech therapist. Those students whose learning needs allow it are mainstreamed right away into the appropriate grade level art class, with an aid. Modifications are made to the regular art curriculum with the knowledge that the socialization that happens in the art room is also an important part of what the students need to learn. The philosophy is similar for other arts related classes.

Students whose needs have been identified take the 12 week Modified Art class first trimester. Art skills are taught that will be used when they are mainstreamed into an art class for their grade level during one of the following 2 trimesters. A primary focus is also on developmental needs (language acquisition, following directions, sequencing, skills such as holding a pencil and cutting) that can be achieved through art and carry over to other settings.

The goal is to move students from teacher directed work, “aid hands & words-on” to independent student work, “aid hands & words -off” during a unit. We want students to be able to listen to or watch and follow directions.

A “project” is broken down into small tasks (task analysis). All tasks are repeated and practiced over 2 or 3 days so more than one project is created.

Written directions, verbal and physical prompts and hand-over-hand instruction is used in the beginning of a unit (depending on need).

In this folder are all of the electronic resources students will need throughout the trimester for all units of study: Daily Calendar and Learning Targets, project examples, tutorials, unit packets, evaluations and more! Students should bookmark this folder as we will use it often during class. Parents can use the information to support student learning in art.

Projects for this trimester

Diagnostic Activities

Shapes Painting


Clay Pumpkin and Monster