Art Materials & Printmaking

Art Materials & Printmaking is an elective that lasts for 12 weeks.

This art elective may be taken in 7th or 8th grade, but not both. It is ideal for the student that loves making art, experimenting with materials and using design and color, but does not necessarily like to draw. Different cultures, artists, time periods or regions are introduced to students depending upon the type of craft or printing technique being explored. Possible crafts units include but are not limited to: millifiore techniques with polymer clay, paper-making, batik, paper quilling, artists books or metal repousse. Possible printmaking units will cover any number of processes such as linoleum block printing, monoprinting, silkscreen printing, or embossing.

Students evaluate their artwork in the same areas as in sixth grade and seventh grade; Idea Development, Technical skills, Craftsmanship, and Artistic Behaviors/Effort. They continue to critique and reflect upon their work in writing using the vocabulary and concepts learned in each unit.

General Information

In this folder you will find: Daily Calendar and Learning Targets, Welcome Presentation, Art Class Routines and Idea Development documents.

In this folder are all of the electronic resources students will need throughout the trimester for all units of study: Daily Calendar and Learning Targets, project examples, tutorials, unit packets, evaluations and more! Students should bookmark this folder as we will use it often during class. Parents can use the information to support student learning in art.

Signed cover page by both your parents and yourself. Return to teacher by DUE date.

Must have filled out to come in and work before school from 7:35 - 8:00

Units of Study


Relief Printing

Copper Repousse
