6th Grade Art

Art 6 is a required course that lasts for 12 weeks.

This is the sixth grader's first intensive experience with art everyday. Original artwork is created within units that provide background related to a particular style or period in art, an artist or culture's influence on art, or the impact and role of the artist in society. This enables students to make connections between what they are doing in art class and how it relates to art in history or in the world today. Students are taught specific concepts and are taught technical skills in a variety of media which increases their ability to express themselves visually. They are made aware of the level of craftsmanship and originality achieved by the artists who created the examples being studied. Final projects reflect each student's ability to synthesize information, think critically and creatively as well as manipulate materials to create his or her own original work with a high level of craftsmanship .

Upon finishing the artwork, students are expected to evaluate their work, using a rubric, in the areas of Idea Development, Technical skills, Craftsmanship, and Artistic Behaviors/Effort. They are then expected to reflect on their work in writing using the vocabulary learned within the unit.

Students increase their observation skills, attention to details and develop hand-eye coordination. They come to a fuller understanding of the use of proportion and perspective in art, as well the compositional devices used to create harmony and emphasis. They learn the limitations of the clay medium and construct a sculpture using the slab method of hand building. They display their abilities in purposeful use of color, line, shape,form, texture, and space. They demonstrate skillful and appropriate use of tools and materials in their personal expression.*

*due to Covid-19 curriculum has been modified to best meet student learning needs in the curriculum.

In this folder you will find: Daily Calendar and Learning Targets, Welcome Presentation, Art Class Routines and Idea Development documents.

Must have filled out to come in and work before school from 7:35 - 8:00