Art with

Mrs. Dziedzic

Welcome to Emerson, to art, and to my classroom!

Students you may be wondering, what will I be doing in art this trimester?

Visit the above class links to see samples of past student work in the various art classes that Emerson has to offer at each grade level. Use the “Online Resources Folder” link on each class page to find Unit Packets (which include practice exercises, instructions, vocabulary lists that you will use to write project reflections, and final project rubrics) and a Trimester timeline with learning targets.*

Parents, I hope you can use the info you’ll find here to start a conversation with your son or daughter about her/his art work. Also, please check the Parent Portal throughout the trimester. I will leave notes if students are missing work.

For more information about the District Visual Art Curriculum visit the District 64 Visual Arts page on the District 64 web site.

Contact me any time: Sonja Dziedzic

Art Office: 847-318-8710

*due to Covid-19 curriculum has been modified to best meet student learning needs in the curriculum.

When your child shows an increased interest in art there are local resources that can help parents provide additional art making and learning experiences.

Art Shows

At Emerson we display all student art with pride throughout the building, year-round. It is an important part of the creative process for students to have the art they make on display for others to appreciate. In addition, each year Emerson art students whose work is exemplary will have work chosen to put on display in art shows outside of our school.

Expressions Gallery

Emerson PTO has supported the framing of student works to adorn our hallways since Emerson opened! All students have the opportunity to submit up to two works of art created per art class they have taken throughout the year. The work is judged by local artists. The work is framed and hung in the school for 10 years! At that time the student can come back and pick up the work, frame and all, to hang in a first apartment!

Entry Forms