
Choose from our many resources to help you start building.

Here in the LRC Maker Space you are provided with a number of amazing products to use and create with. Use this resource page to teach yourself almost anything you want to know!


How can a computer this small have so much power?

Meet Arduino, a mini motherboard that can be programmed to do just about anything. When incorporated with a breadboard, some wires, and a computer to code it with, some amazing things can be created. Learn more about Arduino by clicking above!


You can print 3-D objects?

Yes, you can. With the MakerBot and 3-D Prtinting Pens provided in the Maker Space, printing 3 dimensional plastic masters pieces has never been easier. Design your own creation with 3-D printing software, or just download someone else's creation. Click above to learn how to start printing!


Learning how to code is easy.

The amount of amazing resources you can use to teach yourself how to code is unlimited. This resource page will help organize these resources to give the best information for you to learn. Click above to start coding!


No it's not actually a pie.

Raspberry Pi is practically the cheapest computer you can buy! Similar to the Arduino, the Raspberry Pi comes with a helpful starter kit in our Maker Space. Learn more by clicking above!


Video Games and Fruit?

Makey Makey is somehting that takes ordinary things and turns them into amazing video game controllers! Who knew gaming could be so healthy!


Lets get Crafty.

Getting crafty in the SCN Maker Space is what it is all about. Use the supplies provided in the space to create some unique masterpieces! Click above to get crafting!


The more tools we have the better.

Included in our Maker Space is a great array of tools at every students disposal. It's easy to learn how to use each tool to the best of its ability.