07/01/2024: Summer Reading for District 25 Families

Dear Parents,

As we approach the summer break, we want to take a moment to discuss an important topic: summer reading loss. Research shows that many students experience a decline in reading skills over the summer months when they are not actively engaged in reading and literacy activities. This phenomenon, often referred to as "summer slide," can impact academic progress and achievement when students return to school in the fall.

Summer reading loss occurs when children do not continue to read regularly during the break. Without consistent practice, their reading fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary development can stagnate or decline. As educators, we are committed to supporting your child's academic growth throughout the year, and we believe that maintaining a reading routine over the summer is crucial for their continued success. Below is a link to our District 25 folder with amazing resources and lists of reading books on each grade to best support our  District 25 families in summer reading:

District 25 Summer Reading

Here are some key reasons why summer reading is important:

To support your child's reading journey this summer, we encourage you to:

Together, we can prevent summer reading loss and ensure that your child continues to grow as a confident and capable reader. We are here to support you every step of the way and look forward to seeing your child's reading progress when they return to school in the fall.

Warm regards,

Dr. Michael Dantona

District 25 Community Superintendent 

06/18/2024: A Message from Dr. Michael Dantona - Community Superintendent, District 25

June 18, 2024

Dear District 25 Community,

I am honored to announce my appointment as your new Superintendent, a role I humbly and eagerly embrace after serving as your Interim Superintendent this school year. My journey within District 25 has been deeply rewarding, and I am grateful for the support and collaboration I have experienced from students, parents, teachers, leaders and all school staff.

During my 26 years in the NYC Public School system, I have served as a teacher, an assistant principal, principal, network leader, deputy superintendent and the interim acting superintendent for this amazing district. As we transition into this new chapter, I want to reaffirm my commitment to fostering an inclusive, innovative, and nurturing educational environment. My priorities will continue to center on the academic excellence, emotional well-being, and holistic development of each student.

It is so important to me that our students in District 25 experience learning that enables them to think critically and creatively to solve problems, preparing them for high school, college and beyond. We will continue to align our district work to Chancellor’s Expectations and develop goals and action plans designed to promote the following:

I believe in transparent and open communication. I am committed to listening to your concerns, valuing your input, and working together to address the challenges we face. Your feedback is invaluable, and I encourage you to reach out with your ideas, questions, and suggestions.

I acknowledge the dedication and hard work of our teachers, staff, and administrators who strive every day to make our schools exemplary. Together, we will build on our past achievements and face new challenges with optimism and determination. I am confident that, with your continued support, we will create a bright and promising future for our students.
Thank you for entrusting me with this significant responsibility. I look forward to our continued journey together, making District 25 a place where every student can thrive and succeed.


Dr. Michael Dantona
District 25
Community Superintendent

04/09/2024: A Message from Superintendent Dr Michael Dantona - Complete the NYC School Survey 🧾

Dear Families,

I hope this letter finds you well. As we strive to continually enhance our educational programs and services to meet the diverse needs of our students, your input is invaluable. Therefore, I am writing to remind you about the importance of completing the 2023-2024 NYC School Survey.

As stakeholders in our educational community, your perspectives provide us with critical insights into the effectiveness of our current initiatives and areas where improvements can be made. By participating in this survey, you have the opportunity to shape the direction of our district and city, and ensure that we are aligning our efforts with the needs of our students and families.

Your responses will help us identify strengths to celebrate and areas for growth. Whether it's feedback on curriculum, school climate, or other aspects of our educational environment, every voice matters in our commitment to continuous improvement.

If you have already completed the survey, I extend my sincere gratitude for your participation. Your contributions are immensely valuable. If you have not yet had the chance to do so, I urge you to take a few moments to share your thoughts and experiences with us.

The survey can be accessed following the directions below. Please note that the deadline for completing the survey has been extended to April 19.

Instructions for Families:

Note: Families can also access the survey by logging into their NYC Schools Account.

Thank you for your ongoing support and partnership in our mission to provide the highest quality education for all students in District. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of our children as we continue to build strong roots and even stronger schools.

If you have any questions or need assistance with accessing the survey, please do not hesitate to contact your schools Parent Coordinator, Principal or the District 25 office at 347-850-3048 or by email to contact@d25.nyc.

Warm regards,

Dr Michael Dantona

IA Superintendent

Community School District 25

10/12/2023: A Message to Families with Resources and Guidance Regarding Current Events

October 12, 2023

Dear Families,

Our top priority is the safety and well-being of every student and staff member in our school community. As the conflict in the Middle East continues to escalate and we are seeing increased news coverage of social media posts promoting violence, I am writing to provide you with information on how we are monitoring the events and to share some resources that may be helpful for you in discussion with your children. 


First, please be reassured that the New York City Police Department (NYPD) actively monitors social media sites and threats of violence. We remain in constant communication with NYPD, and at this time, there are no specific threats against our schools.  


In times of great upheaval and uncertainty, it is easy for fear and rumors to flourish. It is important that students are equipped with the tools they need to discern fact from fiction. We encourage you to visit schools.nyc.gov/digitalcitizenship for more information on how to support your child in building their skills in media literacy and safe online behaviors.  


We are committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for our students at all times. Additional resources supporting thoughtful instruction and students’ mental health in the face of disturbing current events can be found at schools.nyc.gov/currentevents. 


I urge all members of our school community to explore these resources, lean on one another, and continue to engage in open dialogue. Together, we can navigate these challenging times.  


Dr. Michael Dantona, Interim Acting Superintendent

Community School District 25

10/03/2023: Do you have questions about Special Education? Join us on Wednesday!

Join the District 25 CEC on Wednesday, October 4 at 7PM for their October meeting and a presentation on "The IEP Process for Families". Come listen and ask questions!

Visit www.d25.nyc/cec for meeting details and for the virtual ZOOM link.

Date/Time: Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 7:00PM

If you have ever had questions about Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and the IEP Process this is the meeting for you! Join the District 25 CEC, IA Superintendent Michael Dantona and Nathan from the District 25 team for a presentation on the "IEP Process for Families".

Come listen and ask questions. Learn about starting the process, making a referral, the evaluation, the IEP meeting and about the Individualized Education Program (IEP) document.

Visit www.d25.nyc/cec for meeting details and for the virtual ZOOM link.

This meeting will be recorded.

09/01/2023: A Message from Interim Acting Superintendent Dr. Michael Dantona

Dear District 25 Community, 

It is with a great deal of excitement and enthusiasm that I introduce myself as the interim acting superintendent for District 25. I am truly honored to have the opportunity to support a district community that is focused on the academic and social emotional needs of its learners. During my 25 years in the NYC Public School system, I have served as a teacher, an assistant principal, principal, network leader and for the past 9 years the deputy superintendent for this amazing district.  

I have been so fortunate to learn from such amazing leaders but none better than Danielle DiMango. Ms. DiMango has played such an important role in making District 25 what it is and creating for me the opportunity to become the leader that I am today. I look forward to building upon our shared practices to ensure that current and future students have opportunities to explore their interests and find out who they are and what they want to be. 

I am a proud husband and a parent to two amazing children. My daughter Emily is moving into her freshman year of high school and my son Matthew is a middle schooler moving into the seventh grade. I will work to ensure that my family and the students in District 25 experience learning that enables them to think, collaborate and solve problems so that they are equipped to reach their goals and be prepared for high school, college and beyond.  

District 25 has earned a reputation for excellence that has been cultivated through a strong presence of community and shared commitment to collaboration. I will begin by implementing a  90-day plan that will include time and space to connect with students, staff, administrators, local elected officials, and community members, allowing me to learn from you about what makes our district roots strong and what we can do to make them even stronger.  

During my Listening and Learning Tour, I will share our district goals and priorities, which have been aligned to our Chancellor’s Expectations. Our goals and action plans are designed to promote our shared values: 

I am excited to share the details of this plan with you to gather community feedback across the district. There will be many chances for us to connect and I look forward to hearing the voices of our community, especially the voices of our talented scholars. 



Dr. Michael Dantona 

District 25 

Community Superintendent, I.A. 

09/01/2023: A Message from Superintendent Danielle DiMango

To the District 25 Community, 

It has been one of the greatest honors of my life to have had the opportunity to serve as superintendent of our District 25 schools for the past 13 years.  I am so very proud of the work we have done together in service of our students.   As many of you know, starting September 5, 2023, I will transition to my new role as Chief of School Support, Elementary and Middle Schools, within the Office of the Deputy Chancellor of School Leadership for the New York City Public Schools.  

Although I am excited about this new opportunity, I am saddened that I will be leaving District 25, where I have spent 23 years of my career.  I cannot tell you how much joy I have felt being part of the District 25 family.  It is because of the leaders, teachers, support staff, families and, of course, the students, that I have become the educator I am today.  I leave with a sense of pride in the many accomplishments the students and staff have achieved.  We have planted and nurtured the “Strong Roots and Strong Schools” that makes District 25 such an outstanding district.  I know the work will continue.  Our roots really are strong.  Together we have much to be proud of.   

I am also thrilled that our district is firm and secure in its leadership transition.  I am so proud that Dr. Michael Dantona has accepted the role of acting Interim Acting Superintendent.  I have had the great fortune to work with Dr. Dantona over the past nine years.  He is a talented and passionate educator and has been my partner through the development and implementation of our instructional initiatives, and a driving force in our District 25 mission and vision.   I know Dr. Dantona will continue to move our schools to new heights.   

I would like to thank every school leader, teacher, staff member, and student and family for letting me serve as your district superintendent.  I leave District 25 a better educator, professional, parent and person because of the opportunity I have had to work alongside you.  Winnie the Pooh says it best: “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”  I will not be far and will always have District 25 in my heart.  


Danielle DiMango 

Superintendent District 25   

04/26/2023: Greetings from Superintendent DiMango | 問候 | Saludos | 인사말

Dear District 25 parents and guardians,

Greetings from Superintendent DiMango and District Team. We hope this message finds you well!

In January, we spent time collaborating with President’s Council to develop a parent survey so that we could gather feedback, with a specific focus on parent involvement. As a result, we have asked our schools to revisit their parent engagement plans to ensure we are providing opportunities for families to participate in ways that they feel are connected to their needs around home school connections.

Our survey indicated that only 54% of respondents agreed that they have attended general school meetings.  We want to increase this percentage rate as we use the many creative tools now available to our school communities.  We encourage each of you to look out for these opportunities as the year progresses. In addition, we also learned that our district community would like for us to develop parent learning experiences within social emotional learning. Please look out for future district messages as we will be offering opportunities to engage our parents in SEL learning events in the near future.

If you have any questions or comments please reach out to your school Parent Coordinator or the District office by phone at 347-850-3048 or email to contact@d25.nyc.


致第 25 學區家長和監護人:

學監 DiMango 和學區小組向您問候。我們希望大家一切都好!

一月份,我們與主席理事會合作制定了一份家長調查表,目的是讓我們收集反饋意見,特 別是重點收集家長參與方面的意見。所以在這之後,我們請各學校重新審視他們的家長參 與計劃,以便確保我們為家長提供的參與機會是與他們的需求(即家庭與學校建立聯繫) 相關的。

我們的調查顯示,在回覆的人當中只有 54%參加了一般性學校會議。我們希望通過使用我 們學校社區現在所擁有的各種創意工具來提升這個百分比。隨著學年的展開,我們鼓勵各 位注意這樣的機會。此外,我們還瞭解到我們的學區希望我們能夠在社交和情緒學習方面 向家長提供學習體驗。請注意學區今後發給您的信息,因爲我們將在不久的將來提供各種 機會,讓家長參與社交和情緒學習活動。

如果您有任何問題或意見,請聯絡您的學校的家長專員或學區辦公室,後者的電話號碼是 347-850-3048,也可發電郵至 contact@d25.nyc.


Estimados padres y tutores del Distrito 25:
Reciban todos un saludo cordial de parte de la superintendente DiMango y el equipo del Distrito. Esperamos que se encuentren muy bien.

En enero, colaboramos con el Consejo de Presidentes en el desarrollo de una entrevista para padres a fin de obtener información, específicamente en lo referente a la participación de los padres. Consecuentemente, hemos pedido a las escuelas que revisen sus planes sobre la participación de los padres para asegurar que brindemos oportunidades destinadas a fomentar la participación de las familias y responder a sus necesidades en torno a la conexión entre el hogar y la escuela.

Nuestra encuesta indica que solamente un 54% de los entrevistados ha asistido a reuniones escolares generales. Queremos aumentar este porcentaje en la medida en que utilizamos las nuevas y diversas herramientas creativas ahora disponibles en nuestras comunidades educativas. Invitamos a cada uno de ustedes a que busquen estas oportunidades durante el transcurso del año. Además, hemos descubierto que la comunidad en nuestro distrito desea que desarrollemos experiencias de aprendizaje para los padres dentro del contexto socioemocional. Estén a la espera de mensajes del distrito, ya que estaremos brindando oportunidades para que los padres participen en actividades de aprendizaje socioemocional (Social-Emotional Learning, SEL) en el futuro cercano.

Si tienen preguntas o comentarios, comuníquense con el coordinador de padres de su escuela o con la oficina del distrito, llamando al 347-850-3048 o enviando un mensaje de correo electrónico a contact@d25.nyc.


25 학군 학부모 및 보호자 여러분께,

수퍼인텐던트 DiMango와 학군 팀에서 인사드립니다. 이 메시지가 여러분께 잘 전달되길 바랍니다!

지난 1월 회장 위원회와 협력하여 학부모 참여에 중점을 둔 피드백을 모으기 위해 학부모 설문을 작성하였습니다. 그 결과 저희는 학교들에게 가정이 가정과 학교 연계와 관련하여 필요하다고 느끼는 방식으로 참여할 수 있는 기회를 제공할 수 있도록 학부모 참여 계획을 다시 검토해줄 것을 요청했습니다.

설문 결과 답변 가정의 54%만이 일반 학교 회의에 참여했다고 답했습니다. 이제 학교 커뮤니티에서 이용할 수 있는 다양한 새로운 방법들을 활용하여 이 비율을 높이고자 합니다. 학년도를 지내며 모든분들께서 이러한 기회를 살펴보시기 바랍니다. 또한 저희 학군 커뮤니티는 저희가 사회 정서적 학습 안에서 학부모 학습 경험을 개발하기를 바란다는 것을 알게되었습니다. 가까운 미래에 학부모님들께서 SEL 학습 행사에 참여하실 수 있는 기회를 제공할 예정이오니 지속적으로 학군 메시지를 찾아봐 주십시오.

질문이나 의견은 학교의 학부모 코디네이터에게 문의하시거나 학군 사무실에 전화 347-850- 3048 또는 이메일 contact@d25.nyc로 연락하십시오.

10/24/2022: A MESSAGE FROM DISTRICT 25📝 - Join Superintendent Danielle DiMango *IN-PERSON* for her LISTENING AND LEARNING TOUR - TONIGHT Monday, October 24, 6:30PM at PS 24


Superintendent Danielle DiMango invites you to her Fall 2022 Listening and Learning Tour. She will meet with as many community & family members, students, and staff as possible. This tour will include many chances, both in-person and virtual, for the voices of District 25 to be heard. Help us deepen our strong roots with your feedback!

Join us *IN-PERSON* at PS 24 TONIGHT, Monday, October 24 at 6:30 PM! Visit http://www.d25.nyc/event to RSVP!

Location: P.S. 024 Andrew Jackson - 45-57 Union Street, Flushing, NY 11355

Date: 10/24/2022

Time: 6:30 PM


Can’t make this event? Visit http://www.d25.nyc/event for all tour stops.

*Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required for all DOE employees and visitors entering school buildings.

來自 25 學區的消息:

邀請您加入學區總監 Danielle DiMango 2022 年秋季巡迴講演,在這裡她將與盡可能多的社區成員、家庭成員、學生和教職人員會面。

這次巡迴展將有很多機會讓 25 學區的聲音傳達給您, 尤其是我們學生的聲音。通過您的反饋幫助我們加深我們的教育根基建設!

在 10 月 24 日星期一晚上 6:30 今晚 PS 24 加入我們*親自*! 訪問 http://www.d25.nyc/event 以回复!

地點:附註 024 安德魯·傑克遜 - 45-57 Union Street, 法拉盛, NY 11355

日期:2022 年 10 月 24 日

時間:下午 6:30


無法舉辦此活動? 訪問 http://www.d25.nyc/event 了解所有旅遊站點

*所有 DOE 員工和進入校舍的訪客都需要提供 COVID-19 疫苗接種證明。


La superintendente Danielle DiMango lo invita a su Tour de escucha y aprendizaje de otoño de 2022. Ella se reunirá con tantos miembros de la comunidad y familiares, estudiantes y personal como sea posible. Este recorrido incluirá muchas oportunidades, tanto en persona como virtuales, para que se escuchen las voces del Distrito 25. ¡Ayúdanos a profundizar nuestras fuertes raíces con tus comentarios!

¡Únase a nosotros *EN PERSONA* en PS 24 ESTA NOCHE, lunes 24 de octubre a las 6:30 p. m.! ¡Visite http://www.d25.nyc/event para confirmar su asistencia!

Ubicación: P.D. 024 Andrew Jackson - 45-57 Union Street, Flushing, Nueva York 11355

Fecha: 24/10/2022

Hora: 18:30


¿No puedes asistir a este evento? Visite http://www.d25.nyc/event para conocer todas las paradas de la gira.

*Se requiere prueba de vacunación contra el COVID-19 para todos los empleados y visitantes del DOE que ingresen a los edificios escolares.

10/18/2022: A MESSAGE FROM DISTRICT 25📝 - Join Superintendent Danielle DiMango *IN-PERSON* for her LISTENING AND LEARNING TOUR - Wednesday, October 19, 6:30PM at JHS 189


Superintendent Danielle DiMango invites you to her Fall 2022 Listening and Learning Tour. She will meet with as many community & family members, students, and staff as possible. This tour will include many chances, both in-person and virtual, for the voices of District 25 to be heard. Help us deepen our strong roots with your feedback!

Join us *IN-PERSON* at JHS 189 on Wednesday, October 19 at 6:30 PM! Visit http://www.d25.nyc/event to RSVP!

Location: JHS 189 - 144-80 Barclay Ave, Queens, NY 11355

Date: 10/19/2022

Time: 6:30 PM


Can’t make this event? Visit http://www.d25.nyc/event for all tour stops.

*Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required for all DOE employees and visitors entering school buildings.

來自 25 學區的消息:

邀請您加入學區總監 Danielle DiMango 2022 年秋季巡迴講演,在這裡她將與盡可能多的社區成員、家庭成員、學生和教職人員會面。

這次巡迴展將有很多機會讓 25 學區的聲音傳達給您, 尤其是我們學生的聲音。通過您的反饋幫助我們加深我們的教育根基建設!

10 月 19 日星期三下午 6:30 在 JHS 189 加入我們*親自*! 訪問 http://www.d25.nyc/event 以回复!

地點:JHS 189 - 144-80 Barclay Ave, Queens, NY 11355

日期:2022 年 10 月 19 日

時間:下午 6:30


無法舉辦此活動? 訪問 http://www.d25.nyc/event 了解所有旅遊站點

*所有 DOE 員工和進入校舍的訪客都需要提供 COVID-19 疫苗接種證明。


La superintendente Danielle DiMango lo invita a su Tour de escucha y aprendizaje de otoño de 2022. Ella se reunirá con tantos miembros de la comunidad y familiares, estudiantes y personal como sea posible. Este recorrido incluirá muchas oportunidades, tanto en persona como virtuales, para que se escuchen las voces del Distrito 25. ¡Ayúdanos a profundizar nuestras fuertes raíces con tus comentarios!

¡Únase a nosotros *EN PERSONA* en JHS 189 el miércoles 19 de octubre a las 6:30 p. m.! ¡Visite http://www.d25.nyc/event para confirmar su asistencia!

Ubicación: JHS 189 - 144-80 Barclay Ave, Queens, NY 11355

Fecha: 19/10/2022

Hora: 18:30


¿No puedes asistir a este evento? Visite http://www.d25.nyc/event para conocer todas las paradas de la gira.

*Se requiere prueba de vacunación contra el COVID-19 para todos los empleados y visitantes del DOE que ingresen a los edificios escolares.

10/01/2022: A MESSAGE FROM DISTRICT 25📝 - Join Superintendent Danielle DiMango *ON ZOOM* for her LISTENING AND LEARNING TOUR - Monday at 11AM


Superintendent Danielle DiMango invites you to her Fall 2022 Listening and Learning Tour. She will meet with as many community & family members, students, and staff as possible. This tour will include many chances, both in-person and virtual, for the voices of District 25 to be heard. Help us deepen our strong roots with your feedback!

Join us *ON ZOOM*, Monday, October 3 at 11:00AM! Visit http://www.d25.nyc/event to RSVP and for the ZOOM link.

Location: Virtual Meeting via ZOOM

Link: http://www.d25.nyc/event to RSVP and for the ZOOM link

Date: 10/03/2022

Time: 11:00AM

Can’t make it on Monday? Visit http://www.d25.nyc/event for all tour stops.

Have a question? Email event@d25.nyc

來自 25 學區的消息:

邀請您加入學區總監 Danielle DiMango 2022 年秋季巡迴講演,在這裡她將與盡可能多的社區成員、家庭成員、學生和教職人員會面。

這次巡迴展將有很多機會讓 25 學區的聲音傳達給您, 尤其是我們學生的聲音。通過您的反饋幫助我們加深我們的教育根基建設!

加入我們*ON ZOOM*,10 月 3 日星期一上午 11:00! 訪問 http://www.d25.nyc/event 以回复並獲取 ZOOM 鏈接。

地點:ZOOM 虛擬會議

鏈接:http://www.d25.nyc/event 到 RSVP 和 ZOOM 鏈接

日期:2022 年 10 月 3 日

時間:上午 11:00

週一不能去嗎? 訪問 http://www.d25.nyc/event 了解所有旅遊站點。


La superintendente Danielle DiMango lo invita a su Tour de escucha y aprendizaje de otoño de 2022. Ella se reunirá con tantos miembros de la comunidad y familiares, estudiantes y personal como sea posible. Este recorrido incluirá muchas oportunidades, tanto en persona como virtuales, para que se escuchen las voces del Distrito 25. ¡Ayúdanos a profundizar nuestras fuertes raíces con tus comentarios!

¡Únase a nosotros *EN ZOOM*, el lunes 3 de octubre a las 11:00 a.m.! Visite http://www.d25.nyc/event para confirmar su asistencia y para el enlace ZOOM.

Lugar: Reunión virtual vía ZOOM

Enlace: http://www.d25.nyc/event para confirmar su asistencia y para el enlace ZOOM

Fecha: 03/10/2022

Hora: 11:00 a. m.

¿No puedes llegar el lunes? Visite http://www.d25.nyc/event para conocer todas las paradas de la gira.

09/28/2022: A MESSAGE FROM DISTRICT 25📝 - Join Superintendent Danielle DiMango *IN-PERSON* on her LISTENING AND LEARNING TOUR


Superintendent Danielle DiMango invites you to her Fall 2022 Listening and Learning Tour. She will meet with as many community & family members, students, and staff as possible. This tour will include many chances, both in-person and virtual, for the voices of District 25 to be heard. Help us deepen our strong roots with your feedback!

Join us *in-person* tomorrow, Thursday, September 29 at 6:30PM at P.S. 169 / BELL Academy in Bayside! Visit http://www.d25.nyc/event to RSVP.

Location: P.S. 169 / BELL Academy

Address: 18-25 212th Street, Bayside, NY 11360

Date: 09/29/2022

Time: 6:30PM

Can’t make it tomorrow? Visit http://www.d25.nyc/event for all tour stops - both in-person and virtual.

*Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required for all DOE employees and visitors entering school buildings. 


邀請您加入學區總監 Danielle DiMango 2022 年秋季巡迴講演,在這裡她將與盡可能多的社區成員、家庭成員、學生和教職人員會面。

這次巡迴展將有很多機會讓 25 學區的聲音傳達給您, 尤其是我們學生的聲音。通過您的反饋幫助我們加深我們的教育根基建設!

明天,9 月 29 日,星期四,下午 6:30,在 P.S. 加入我們*親自*。 169 / 貝賽德的貝爾學院! 訪問 http://www.d25.nyc/event 以回复。

地點:附註 169 / 貝爾學院

地址:18-25 212th Street, Bayside, NY 11360

日期:2022 年 9 月 29 日

時間:下午 6:30

明天趕不上? 訪問 http://www.d25.nyc/event 了解所有旅遊站點 - 現場和虛擬。

*所有 DOE 員工和進入校舍的訪客都需要提供 COVID-19 疫苗接種證明。


Únase a la superintendente, Danielle DiMango del distrito 25, en el otoño de 2022, donde se reunirá con los miembros de la comunidad y las familias, estudiantes y personal.

Esta gira incluirá muchas oportunidades para escuchar a los estudiantes y comunida del distrito 25. Ayúdenos a ¡mejorar nuestro district con sus comentarios!

Únase a nosotros *en persona* mañana jueves 29 de septiembre a las 6:30 p. m. en P.S. 169 / ¡Academia BELL en Bayside! Visite http://www.d25.nyc/event para confirmar su asistencia.

Ubicación: P.D. 169 / Academia BELL

Dirección: 18-25 212th Street, Bayside, NY 11360

Fecha: 29/09/2022

Hora: 18:30

¿No puedes ir mañana? Visite http://www.d25.nyc/event para conocer todas las paradas de la gira, tanto presenciales como virtuales.

*Se requiere prueba de vacunación contra el COVID-19 para todos los empleados y visitantes del DOE que ingresen a los edificios escolares.

09/20/2022: A MESSAGE FROM DISTRICT 25📝 - Join Superintendent Danielle DiMango *IN-PERSON* on her LISTENING AND LEARNING TOUR


Superintendent Danielle DiMango invites you to her Fall 2022 Listening and Learning Tour. She will meet with as many community & family members, students, and staff as possible. This tour will include many chances, both in-person and virtual, for the voices of District 25 to be heard. Help us deepen our strong roots with your feedback!

Join us *in-person* tomorrow, Wednesday, September 21 at 6:30PM at P.S. 029 Queens in College Point! Visit http://www.d25.nyc/event to RSVP.

Location: P.S. 029 Queens

Address: 125-10 23 Avenue, Queens, NY 11356

Date: 09/21/2022

Time: 6:30PM

Can’t make it tomorrow? Visit http://www.d25.nyc/event for all tour stops - both in-person and virtual.

*Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required for all DOE employees and visitors entering school buildings. 


邀請您加入學區總監 Danielle DiMango 2022 年秋季巡迴講演,在這裡她將與盡可能多的社區成員、家庭成員、學生和教職人員會面。

這次巡迴展將有很多機會讓 25 學區的聲音傳達給您, 尤其是我們學生的聲音。通過您的反饋幫助我們加深我們的教育根基建設!

明天,9 月 21 日,星期三,下午 6:30,在 P.S. 加入我們*親自*。 029 學院角的皇后區! 訪問 http://www.d25.nyc/event 以回复。

地點:PS 029 皇后區 - NYC DOE

地址:125-10 23 Avenue, Queens, NY 11356

日期:2022 年 9 月 21 日

時間:下午 6:30

明天趕不上? 訪問 http://www.d25.nyc/event 了解所有旅遊站點 - 現場和虛擬。

*所有 DOE 員工和進入校舍的訪客都需要提供 COVID-19 疫苗接種證明。


Únase a la superintendente, Danielle DiMango del distrito 25, en el otoño de 2022, donde se reunirá con los miembros de la comunidad y las familias, estudiantes y personal.

Esta gira incluirá muchas oportunidades para escuchar a los estudiantes y comunida del distrito 25. Ayúdenos a ¡mejorar nuestro district con sus comentarios!

Únase a nosotros *en persona* mañana, miércoles 21 de septiembre a las 6:30 p. m. en P.S. 029 ¡Reinas en College Point! Visite http://www.d25.nyc/event para confirmar su asistencia.

Ubicación: PS 029 Queens

Dirección: 125-10 23 Avenue, Queens, NY 11356

Fecha: 21/09/2022

Hora: 18:30

¿No puedes ir mañana? Visite http://www.d25.nyc/event para conocer todas las paradas de la gira, tanto presenciales como virtuales.

*Se requiere prueba de vacunación contra el COVID-19 para todos los empleados y visitantes del DOE que ingresen a los edificios escolares.

09/19/2022: A MESSAGE FROM DISTRICT 25📝 - Join Superintendent Danielle DiMango *IN-PERSON* on her LISTENING AND LEARNING TOUR

Superintendent Danielle DiMango invites you to her Fall 2022 Listening and Learning Tour. She will meet with as many community & family members, students, and staff as possible. This tour will include many chances, both in-person and virtual, for the voices of District 25 to be heard. Help us deepen our strong roots with your feedback!

Join us *in-person* tomorrow, Tuesday, September 20 at 6:30PM at P.S. 165Q The Edith K. Bergtraum School! Visit http://www.d25.nyc/event to RSVP.

Location: P.S. 165Q The Edith K. Bergtraum

Address: 70-35 150 Street, Queens, NY 11367

Date: 09/20

Time: 6:30PM

Can’t make it tomorrow? Visit http://www.d25.nyc/event for all tour stops - both in-person and virtual.

*Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required for all DOE employees and visitors entering school buildings. 



邀請您加入學區總監 Danielle DiMango 2022 年秋季巡迴講演,在這裡她將與盡可能多的社區成員、家庭成員、學生和教職人員會面。

這次巡迴展將有很多機會讓 25 學區的聲音傳達給您, 尤其是我們學生的聲音。通過您的反饋幫助我們加深我們的教育根基建設!

明天,9 月 20 日,星期二,下午 6:30,在 P.S. 加入我們*親自*。 165Q Edith K. Bergtraum 學校! 訪問 http://www.d25.nyc/event 以回复。

地點:附註 165Q The Edith K. Bergtraum

地址:70-35 150 Street, Queens, NY 11367


時間:下午 6:30

明天趕不上? 訪問 http://www.d25.nyc/event 了解所有旅遊站點 - 現場和虛擬。

*所有 DOE 員工和進入校舍的訪客都需要提供 COVID-19 疫苗接種證明。


Únase a la superintendente, Danielle DiMango del distrito 25, en el otoño de 2022, donde se reunirá con los miembros de la comunidad y las familias, estudiantes y personal.

Esta gira incluirá muchas oportunidades para escuchar a los estudiantes y comunida del distrito 25. Ayúdenos a ¡mejorar nuestro district con sus comentarios!

Únase a nosotros *en persona* mañana martes 20 de septiembre a las 6:30 p. m. en P.S. 165Q ¡La escuela Edith K. Bergtraum! Visite http://www.d25.nyc/event para confirmar su asistencia.


Ubicación: P.D. 165Q El Edith K. Bergtraum

Dirección: 70-35 150 Street, Queens, NY 11367

Fecha: 20/09

Hora: 18:30


¿No puedes ir mañana? Visite http://www.d25.nyc/event para conocer todas las paradas de la gira, tanto presenciales como virtuales.


*Se requiere prueba de vacunación contra el COVID-19 para todos los empleados y visitantes del DOE que ingresen a los edificios escolares.

09/15/2022: A MESSAGE FROM DISTRICT 25 - Join Superintendent Danielle DiMango on her LISTENING AND LEARNING TOUR


Superintendent Danielle DiMango invites you to her Fall 2022 Listening and Learning Tour. She will meet with as many community & family members, students, and staff as possible. This tour will include many chances, both in-person and virtual, for the voices of District 25 to be heard. Help us deepen our strong roots with your feedback!

Join us tomorrow, Friday, September 16 at 6:30PM via ZOOM! Visit http://www.d25.nyc/event for the ZOOM link and to RSVP. 


邀請您加入學區總監 Danielle DiMango 2022 年秋季巡迴講演,在這裡她將與盡可能多的社區成員、家庭成員、學生和教職人員會面。

這次巡迴展將有很多機會讓 25 學區的聲音傳達給您, 尤其是我們學生的聲音。通過您的反饋幫助我們加深我們的教育根基建設!

明天,9 月 16 日星期五下午 6:30 通過 ZOOM 加入我們! 訪問 http://www.d25.nyc/event 以獲取 ZOOM 鏈接和回复。


Únase a la superintendente, Danielle DiMango del distrito 25, en el otoño de 2022, donde se reunirá con los miembros de la comunidad y las familias, estudiantes y personal.

Esta gira incluirá muchas oportunidades para escuchar a los estudiantes y comunida del distrito 25. Ayúdenos a ¡mejorar nuestro district con sus comentarios!

¡Únase a nosotros mañana viernes 16 de septiembre a las 6:30 p. m. a través de ZOOM! Visite http://www.d25.nyc/event para el enlace ZOOM y para RSVP.