DISTRICT 25 athletics
Our goal in District 25 is to provide physical and health education for ALL our students to develop the skills and confidence to lead a healthy lifestyle and the ability to apply these skills in athletics. Our physical educators provide quality programs to expose our students to as many sports, games and activities as possible, such as our NEW Ultimate Frisbee Unit through our partnership with DiscNY! Our students are learning about healthy eating and positive decision making, while participating in friendly, developmental and competitive leagues. They are also learning the elements of sportspersonship, commitment, empathy and teamwork. District 25 Athletics is expanding and growing every day to meet the needs of all our students!
Our Elementary Basketball League is an amazing opportunity for young athletes to develop their skills in cooperation, communication, acceptance, trust and sportspersonship. This program improves our students’ emotional development and promotes positive self-esteem in preparation for their transition to middle school. We currently have 22 co-ed teams and celebrate at the end of each season by hosting our District 25 Elementary Basketball All Star Game, which builds a sense of teamwork and community.
Our Elementary Soccer League provides our students with a wide range of health benefits, promotes teamwork, social interaction and a sense of community. We currently have 2 indoor elementary leagues, one co-ed league with 17 teams and one girls league with 4 teams. We have recently partnered with the New York City Football Club (NYCFC) to provide skills clinics in our physical education programs and will expand our soccer league. At the end of each season, we celebrate by hosting the District 25 Soccer League Jamboree, a fun-filled day of competitive mini soccer games at Flushing Meadow Corona Park.
Our Elementary Cheer Athletic Program offers students an opportunity to participate in acrobatic dance and develop skills in teamwork, discipline, goal setting and confidence. Students plan and execute pep rallies, decorate hallways, and learn a wide range of cheers to build school spirit at sporting events. We currently have 18 co-ed elementary teams and celebrate each year by hosting our annual District 25 Cheer Expo, where teams can cheer and learn from one another.
Our District 25 Middle School Basketball League offers an incredible platform for our young athletes to showcase their skills amidst intense competition. We currently have a co-ed league consisting of 10 teams who exhibit remarkable sportspersonship. Each game provides our students with an atmosphere of camaraderie and fair play, fostering an environment where respect and teamwork thrive. At the end of each season, we celebrate by hosting a variety of middle school playoff games and a championship game, where the winner takes home our District 25 Strong Cup.
Our District 25 Middle School Soccer League provides young athletes with a sense of community, leadership, teamwork, respect and pride. We currently have 10 teams that are divided into 2 divisions based on school size, where each team can compete, learn, and develop their skills on and off the field. At the end of each season, we celebrate by hosting a variety of middle school playoff games and a championship game, where the winner takes home our D25 Strong Cup!
Our Middle School Cheer Athletic Program serves as a vital pillar of support for all athletic programs, providing school spirit and a positive mindset amongst our students and families. Students showcase their talents through cheers, routines, stunts, and honing their skills in teamwork, coordination, and performance. We currently have 10 middle school teams and celebrate each year by hosting our annual District 25 Cheer Expo, where teams can cheer and learn from one another.
Our Middle School Bocce League began with our partnership with SONY (Special Olympics New York). This league has enhanced our goal to prioritize ALL students in athletics, with opportunities for competition, recreation, team participation and inclusivity, which is exactly what we value in District 25. We currently have 5 middle school teams and celebrate each year by hosting our annual Unified Bocce Opening Ceremony, where all students participate in inter-borough games and even our district team members join in on the fun!
Our Middle School Volleyball League is one of our NEWEST additions! This developmental league provides our young athletes with an experience to build their skills in communication, teamwork, competition and sportspersonship. We currently have 7 co-ed teams and celebrate at the end of each season by hosting our District 25 Middle School Volleyball Invitational, where all students have the opportunity to play and showcase their skills.
Our Middle School Lacrosse League is one of our NEWEST additions! This league began with our partnership with CityLAX to incorporate lacrosse into our physical education programs and will expand our lacrosse league. We currently have 6 teams and celebrate at the end of each season by hosting our District 25 Middle School Lacrosse Invitational, where all students have the opportunity to play and showcase their skills.
District 25 Physical Education Instructional Lead, Diana Stein, DStein6@schools.nyc.gov