District 25 Presidents' Council
Join the Monthly Meeting
Next Meeting: Monday, June 10, 2024 at 6:30PM
District 25 Presidents' Council Meeting
- Monday, June 10, 2024 at 6:30PM
ZOOM Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/91360146783?pwd=TkV5bWVhenQ4YkdmZThHWXYrWjhTUT09
Meeting ID: 913 6014 6783
Passcode: 252525
Dial-In Number: 646-558-8656
Download the ZOOM app.
What is a Presidents' Council?
Presidents' Councils are made up of the presidents (or their designated representatives) of each of the PA/PTAs within a given jurisdiction and are intended to support their constituent PA/PTAs. Chancellor’s Regulation A-660 (CR A-660) requires the establishment of a Presidents’ Council for each of the 32 community school districts, each of the five borough’s group of high schools, and District 75 (citywide special education). While direct involvement in Presidents’ Councils is limited to PA/PTA presidents (or their designated representatives), meetings are open to the general public.
Presidents’ Councils are designed to support the PA/PTAs within their districts by:
assisting in the establishment of new PA/PTAs and the re-establishment of defunct PA/PTAs.
providing guidance to their constituent PA/PTAs in technical areas such as bylaws and elections.
identifying and promoting district-wide interests.
According to CR A-660, Presidents' Councils are fully constituted by electing a president and a recording secretary. A treasurer is not needed unless the Presidents' Council intends to open a bank account.
Not all districts’ Presidents’ Councils are equally active and not all PA/PTAs participate in their Presidents’ Councils. To some PA/PTA officers, they are an underutilized resource. A strong, functional Presidents’ Council can be a vital resource — guiding and supporting PA/PTAs, connecting schools, and helping them share resources and best practices.
Meeting Sign-In (attendance)
Joining the meeting? Let us know you are here by signing in.
Meeting Help
For Zoom
Great ready for the District 25 President's Council Meeting by downloading the ZOOM app to your computer or smart device.
For the BEST experience install the ZOOM app on your smart device or computer. If all else fails, you can always join the conversation using the call-in number and Meeting ID provided.
NYCDOE Employees: Sign into ZOOM here - https://nycdoe.zoom.us/
Download the ZOOM App
On your computer (Windows or Mac)
On a smart device
For Microsoft Teams
Great ready for the District 25 President's Council Meeting by downloading the Microsoft Teams app to your computer or smart device. No need to log-in to the app. Just have it downloaded/installed.
For the BEST experience install the Microsoft Teams app on your smart device or computer. If all else fails, you can always join the conversation using the call-in number and Conference ID provided.
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To use live captions in a meeting, go to your meeting controls and select More options ... > Turn on live captions.
To stop using live captions, go to the meeting controls and select More options ... > Turn off live captions.
Download the Microsoft Teams application
On your computer (Windows or Mac)
On a smart device
Apple App Store (iPhone and iPad) - https://apps.apple.com/app/id1113153706
Android - Google Play Store - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.team
2023-2024 Meeting Schedule
All meetings begin at 6:30PM unless otherwise noted.
*indicates a meeting schedule change due to a holiday or other conflict.
2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
All meetings begin at 6:30PM unless otherwise noted.
*indicates a meeting schedule change due to a holiday or other conflict.
D25 Presidents' Council Board
2023-2024 (current)
Rachael Baltodano [25Q499], President
Kerry Ann Barberi [25Q165], Recording Secretary
Kristel Saleh [25Q079], Treasure
Frances Gonzalez [25Q209] & Jaharah Burton [25Q250], Presidents
Rachel Baltodano [25Q499] & Carlos Franco [25Q184], Recording Secretary
Angela Lam [25Q163], Treasurer
Frances Gonzalez [25Q209], Presidents
Christine Nhieu [25Q194] & Alyssa Wheeler [25Q237], Co-Recording Secretary
Michele Frederick-Dye [25Q499], Treasurer
Contact the D25 Presidents' Council
Email: d25pc1@gmail.com
Meeting Recordings
Past meetings that were recorded will be posted here.
District 25 Presidents' Council Meeting Recordings - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3gsYABOvXbglLIPq0uSGFOVVmRqgPyfZ