Niles West Robotics VRC 321

What do we do?

Work on a small team of students to build a robot to compete in the current VEX Game.  You don't have to know everything but you do have to be able to work productively with others to succeed.  If you enjoy building with others and learning what you don't know, you are in the right place.

Can I join Robotics and and be on another club/sport?

Successful teams require commitment.  

Incoming Students see our brochure for additional information

Meeting times

Mondays 3:30 - 6pm in room 1525

Wednesdays Nov - Feb


Current Season

2023-2024 Competitions:

V5 Build Instructions

Striker Bot 23-24 Over Under

V5 Build Instructions 

Teams will build the Hero Bot by October

Engineering Notebook Template