Designed to introduce the student to the fashion world, this course provides students opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding of textiles, fashions and fabrics and to assist them in meeting the clothing and fabric product needs of themselves, families and/or general public. Information and experiences providing students with an understanding of the psychological aspects of fabric products as related to the needs of people, and the jobs and careers using competencies related to textiles and fabrics are included throughout the course. Development of skills necessary for decisions related to personal image and clothing, and textiles will be stressed. Students will study trends in fashions and career opportunities. Ready-to-wear clothes, as well as clothing constructed by the student, will be used as a basis for learning about clothing, fabric care, and sewing skills. The student will be introduced to the elements of fashion, principles of design, and visual display.

Previous Projects: Felt Monsters, Scrunchies, PJ Shorts

Semesters: 1

Prerequisite: None

Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 


This one semester course is designed to provide the student with a variety of hands-on experiences in planning and design of residential interiors. This course explores the current trends in the design profession and provides learning experiences that include an introduction to housing styles, floor plan design, color theory, and elements and principles of design. Additional units of study include the selection of background materials, kitchen and bath planning, furniture styles and arrangement, and choosing lighting and accessories. Each student will create and present a culminating design project based on the design principles learned throughout the semester. 

Highlights: Design a Bedroom & a Dream Home and Field Trip opportunities Semesters: 1

Prerequisite: None

Level: 9, 10, 11, 12


This course expands on skills and content learned in Fashion Opportunities I. It is devoted to increasing the level of knowledge and skills of students as they construct, purchase, care for, and work with clothing, textiles, and accessories. Additionally, the ways in which personal and fashion aspects interact with the market will be explored. Broad areas of emphasis for this course include color, line and design in fashion, fibers and fabrics, clothing selection based on needs, sewing and other construction skills, clothing maintenance and care, merchandising clothing, career opportunities in clothing, accessories, and textile product fields, and occupational emphasis in the fashion industry.

Prerequisite: Fashion Opportunities I 

Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

Semesters: 1