Terror TRCSS

About Terror TRCSS

At Palmer High School, we have created a special program to engage 9th grade students in active collaboration, frequent conversations and skill development to be successful throughout their high school journey. Modeled off the learner profiles from the International Baccalaureate program, every incoming 9th grade student will take Terror TRCSS (pronounced 'Tracks') as a part of their schedule. Exceptions for taking Terror TRCSS include if students are enrolled in dual performing arts classes, 9th grade AVID or in the Gifted and Talented Program (these programs still model off of what is taught in Terror TRCSS). Since every 9th grade student is enrolled in a form of Terror TRCSS, it is the perfect medium for sharing information, touching base with goals and monitoring a student's academic growth.

The purpose of the Terror TRCSS program includes but is not limited to:

Common Terror Tracks Curriculum Topics

Academics - Grade Checks, Academic/Study Time, Teacher One-on-One Talks, and Test Preparation.

Counseling & Character - Academic Planning, Executive Functioning, Emotional Intelligence, Character Trait Awareness, Career Planning, Communication Skills, Team Building, and Leadership Skills.

Personality Inventories - Interests, Aptitude Survey, and Learning Styles.

Social and Emotional Learning - Self Control, Emotional Intelligence, Respecting Others, Supporting Others, Resolving Conflict, Self-Motivation, Resilience, Goal Setting, Time Management, and Perseverance.

Terror TRCSS is a credit bearing class for all 9th Grade students and is recorded on a student's transcript.


Ms. Hayley Raitz-Anderson

9th Grade Terror TRCSS

Mr. Michael Chamberlin

9th Grade Gifted and Talented