Involvement at PHS

A Strong and Supportive Community

Palmer High School students thrive off of opportunities not only academically, but socially. Clubs and student organizations are an important part of the Palmer Terror culture and provide support for a diverse range of student interests.

Clubs and Activities

PHS School Sponsored Clubs

Do you want to start your own club? Talk with a PHS staff member to help sponsor it!


Falls Sports

Coed: Cross Country and Cheer.

Girls: Volleyball, Softball and Rugby. 

Boys: Football, Golf, Soccer and Tennis.

Winter Sports

Coed: Hockey and Wrestling

Girls: Basketball and Swimming.

Boys: Basketball

Spring Sports

Coed: Track

Girls: Golf, Soccer, Lacrosse and Tennis.

Boys: Baseball, Lacrosse, Rugby, Swimming and Volleyball.

For more information, click here!

Performing Arts

PHS Bands

The William J. Palmer High School Band offers a comprehensive music experience for students 9 - 12. The program serves students through ten performing ensembles that cover all ability levels. The program thrives in our ever-changing community and continues to maintain its culture of diversity, inclusion, and camaraderie.

Check out their website

Course Offerings

PHS Choir

 PHS Choir is designed to enhance the musical, creative and expressive qualities of all students.  Musical opportunities are provided for every child to learn skills of singing, playing/reading music, developing song repertoire, broadening listening skills and experiencing the interrelated nature of music with other cultures and content areas.

Course Offerings

PHS Theatre

The PHS Theatre department seeks to nurture a culture of inclusivity that explores avenues to grow students as inspired artists in order to help connect to their audiences through their performances. The program thrives in an environment that sharpens skills in performance and technical theatre and seeks to celebrate strengths and build on areas of struggles.

Course Offerings

Student Council

Student Council is a multi-grade level elective class, that provides students with an opportunity to serve the student body, accept responsibility, and to participate in the management of various student activities. The student council helps share student ideas, interests, and concerns with teachers, school principals, district administrators and community leaders. They often also help raise funds for schoolwide activities, including social events, community projects, helping people in need and school reform. 9th grade members of Student Council are elected at the end of the first semester and join the class at the beginning of their second semester in the Spring. 

School Events

The Color Dance

Homecoming Dance

Club Crawls


Spirt Weeks

Monster Mash

Care and Share


Mr/Ms/Mx Terror

Make a Wish Week

Prom Week


For further information, ask your Link Crew Leader at New Student Orientation!

Volunteering and Community Service

Students and Staff at Palmer High School are very engaged in their local community and seek out numerous opportunities to volunteer their time and resources to give back to those in need. While school events like Care and Share and Make-a-Wish Week are amazing examples of how the PHS community helps provide funds and supplies for local and national organizations. You will also see PHS Students and Staff members participate in trash clean up projects around Downtown Colorado Springs, volunteer with Kids on Bikes, work shifts at the local Food Banks, read to elementary students at local libraries, spend time supporting senior citizens, tutor other students, donate gifts during the holiday season or walk in various charitable fundraisers!

Are you looking to join a full-time service organization? Then Key Club is the place for you. Be sure to find their table at the Palmer Showcase during lunch on August 16th!

Need more information about Key Club? Check out the Key Club International website by clicking on the following link:  OR email the Staff Advisor, Mr. Ivan, at