Google Sites

What is it for?

Google Sites is a tool that you can use to create a website to publish within the Google domain. This is 100% free and can be used in many different class settings. This could be used to create club websites or even class projects. You get to decide what you create within Google sites.

How to

Courtesy of Michael Mooc (GenYes 2016-2017)

Walkthrough on how-to create a basic Google Site. Yes, there is a lot of background noise, but that is GenYes with all students working on their own projects.

Testing Requirements


  • You have 2 artifacts to create:

1) Create a short Google Sites tutorial video in which you discuss and demonstrate how to:

  • How to create a Google Sites from new Google Sites
  • Insert text and show the difference between Header, Title, and Normal Text formatting
  • Add an image
  • Add a video from youTube
  • Add a Google Drawing. Make sure the Google Drawing is set to Share to all
  • How to name and submit the Google Site

2) Submit the sample Google Site you made

Submit the video to youTube and submit the URL. Be sure to change the video settings so I can view it.

Use the site you made and submit the URL as your 2nd artifact.