Star Student & Birthday



Star Student of the Week

Each student will be the “Star Student of the Week” for one week. On the Thursday before your child is the “Star” for the week, a “Star of the Week” Seesaw activity will be assigned to your child on Seesaw. Please help your child complete the activity over the weekend and submit the activity by Sunday evening. Your child will have the opportunity to share their activity to the class on Monday (or Tuesday if Monday is a holiday) and other children will be allowed to ask questions and give compliments.

In addition, your child has the option to bring in 1-2 personal item(s) that he/she would like to share (show to) with the class on Thursday. Examples include such things as favorite books, toys, pictures, collections, etc. Your child can also show a pet (of any size) or introduce your family to the class!

Click here to see Star Student of the Week Schedule. Please let me know ahead of time if your child’s week does not work for your family or if you would like me to assign the activity earlier to allow more time to complete.


Your child is welcome to celebrate his/her birthday with the students in room 3 (virtual style). We will celebrate by singing “happy birthday” and sending birthday wishes. In addition, your child is welcome to wear a birthday crown. At the beginning of each month, I will send out an optional birthday crown to the students with birthdays that month (via parents email). You have the option of printing out that crown and having your child decorate it OR your child can make his/her own crown and wear it that day. Again, this is optional. Please let me know if you would like to opt your child out of a birthday recognition.