Daily Schedule

Kindergarten Distance Learning Schedule

(Starting 4/5)

*Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday will follow the full day schedule

*Wednesday is designated for staff meetings, teacher collaboration, and teacher professional development. Students are expected to attend the Morning Daily Meeting at 8:30 am and curriculum assignments will be posted.

8:30-9:00 - Morning Google Meet (Attendance, Calendar, Agenda)

*Break- 15 minutes

9:15-10:00am- Google Meet (Instructional Block A-ELA)

(Whole group; Small group/independent practice)

*10:00-10:20 Recess- 20 minutes

10:20-11:05- Google Meet (Instructional Block B-Math)

(Whole group; Small group/independent practice)

*Break-10 minutes

11:15-12:00 Google Meet (Instructional Block C- May be used for Social Studies and Science)

*12:00-12:45 pm Lunch Break -45 minutes

12:45-1:20 PM ASYNCHRONOUS WORK (Specials)- Art, Library, SEL, Music Menu, PE Menu, Seesaw activities, and other asynchronous work assigned

*Break- 15 minutes

1:35-2:00 PM ASYNCHRONOUS WORK- i-Ready lessons, independent reading(Raz-Kids, epic), Seesaw activities, and other asynchronous work assigned

Minimum required:220 minutes. This schedule: 225 minutes

Please note that asynchronous work is expected to be completed after lunch on their own. Live meetings (block A,B, and C) will be taught before lunch. .