We are a collective.  We are also many diverse individuals. 

We are passionate about cultural issues and creativity is our hack. Our work ranges from community engagement in regional settlements, historical and cultural preservation exercises, taking up institutional responsibilities, and engaging in constructive activism to designing responses and facilitating public appreciation in urban settings for creative exchanges.

This public showcase aims to create a safe space for community members to share their lived experiences...

On the occasion of Pride Month and International Archives Week, we invite you to the first public dialogue of the series; please click here to register.

" Feminist spatial practices often defy disciplinary boundaries, slipping between art, architecture, theory, and social practice to enable more equitable social and spatial environments for intersectionally marginalized communities. Despite this kaleidoscopic range, the fields of the built environment continue to treat feminism as a numbers game: a quantitative problem of packing more, typically cis-gendered, women into practices, faculties, dean’s offices, and board rooms. Representation does matter, but representation without other changes leaves existing patriarchal, capitalist, and colonialist systems intact. In contrast, this project points to the range of intersectional, multiscalar, and relational practices that expand ways of thinking and making in the built environment. "

- Bryony Roberts and Abriannah Aiken, Feminist Spatial Practices, Part 1, e-flux Architecture, March 2023.