Poetry, the land, the road : a triptych

Steve Gerson

Steve Gerson writes poetry and flash about life's dissonance. He has published in CafeLit, Panoplyzine, Crack the Spine, Vermilion, In Parentheses, and more, plus his chapbooks Once Planed Straight; Viral; and the soon to be published The 13th Floor: Step into Anxiety from Spartan Press.


Poetry, like the land, like the road, seeks distance.

Ride a highway through high plains, air as thin as

dissonance, the centerline painted askew in similes.

Clouds silently see a road wrought with words.


A poem wends visions labyrinthian beyond

the curvature of the earth, the highway

undulating in the blinding hum of heat.

Even roadside trees tremble for the taste of sound.


The sun parts the clouds in slanted rhyme,

dappling the road with shadowed pen strokes.

Written in lightning ellipses, a poem roils in

storm song, thunder touching paper.

Flash Issue 16