Featured Finds

By Vermilion Staff Members

"Featured Finds" is a series run by the Vermilion staff that promotes galleries and bookstores in the D.C. area.  As a staff we enjoy finding new and interesting places that cultivate beauty and we want to share some of our favorites with readers.  We also hope that it encourages you to explore the area and appreciate the unique spaces that D.C. has to offer.  


By David Brennan

Homunculus is a fictional series being written by Vermilion’s Fiction Editor, David Brennan, that will be released in five installments. The series focuses on a man named Norm, who must navigate a world defined by its degeneracy and survive with each new encounter.  

The White Room

By David Brennan

The White Room is a fictional series written by Vermilion’s Fiction Editor, David Brennan. The series principally focuses on themes of what it means to write creative fiction, the effect and experience of an active imagination, and the repression of creativity and imagination. 

Writing Across Campus

By Nicole Cicippio

"Writing Across Campus" is a series being written by Vermilion's Creative Non-Fiction Editor, Nicole Cicippio. She has found pleasure in seeking out the havens on Catholic’s campus that have helped her to escape the bustle of city life and connect with her creative side, which she hopes to share in this series: Writing Across Campus.