Judith Prevost


Judith is an English major from North Carolina. She enjoys creative nonfiction, oversized dogs, and cross-country road trips.

Ryn Cole

Associate Editor

To put it simply, Ryn is a traveler, writer, and a feminist. She has been infatuated with fiction works since she was a child, reading The Wizard of Oz over and over. She has combined her love for reading and writing into her career aspirations, and her other passions include listening to Taylor Swift on repeat and dying her hair every four months.

Anita Gulia

Associate Editor

Anita Gulia is an Italian-American student studying two languages she already knows how to speak. Although her dream of writing a Bon Jovi jukebox musical about karate has passed, her dream of becoming a high school English teacher is alive and well. From musical fairytale parodies to short songs about mundane tasks to slides presentations about William Shakespeare, she loves to create things that make people laugh. She hopes that this bio has achieved that purpose.

Aila Troxel

Social Media Manager

Aila is a Political Science Pre-Law and Media Studies student. She is also a member of the track team. She currently is a congressional intern. In her free time, she enjoys exploring D.C. and hanging out with her friends. She also has a current fixation with Colleen Hoover, like most 20 year old girls.

Tony Mazzola

Events Team

Tony Mazzola is a junior Philosophy major from St. Louis, Missouri. He enjoys Russian literature, evening strolls, and talking metaphysics over whiskey and cigars.

Lauren McGinn

Flash Issues Manager

I love drinking coffee from ceramic mugs but am a notorious spiller. So, if you find yourself walking in a 6-foot vicinity of me and my mug, prepare to be splashed at a high velocity. I walk very quickly due to my inordinately long legs. After term breaks, I spend most of my time in the company of my books and my two philosophical partners: my dog, Birdie, lovingly regarded as Bertrude, and my cat, Adeodatus (my family has since renamed her Fanny Price because they think her name is weird). About a week ago, I had a dream that I was a worm, which wholly changed my perspective on friendship. A life goal I have is to spend a day speaking in trochaic tetrameter. If you encounter me in the wild and bring up topics such as the problem of other minds (and how I think love solves it), my favorite book, semiotics, or poetry, you will make a lifelong and potentially annoying friend.

Lorenzo Lopez Olan

Events Team

I suppose I could describe myself as a bit of an aloof individual who occasionally, through a stroke of serendipity, catches glimpses of the Truth that holds the world together, and makes them known through seemingly silly mannerisms.

Anna Gavin

Social Media Team

I’m an exchange student from Galway in the west of Ireland. I’m studying law and business at home and am relishing the opportunity to take a variety of classes in CUA.

Gabriela Baez

Events Manager

A Super-Senior who majors in English yet has a minor obsession with personality tests and quizzes. Ella can be found loitering around The Nest or burning the midnight oil at Leahy. Ella enjoys reading Victorian-era novels, historical fiction, and slice-of-life books in her free time. After graduating, Ella hopes to become a small-time publisher, Catholic Journalist, or English Professor. Ella welcomes authors and artists of all types with hands ready to edit and publish their craft! 

Maura Murphy

Flash Issues Team

My name is Maura Murphy and I am from Connecticut. I am getting my B.A. in English and a minor in Secondary Education. I love writing short stories and reading other books to gain new inspiration. My favorite authors are Jane Austen, Emily Dickson, Christopher Marlow, and Dante. In my free time I write short stories, watch The Office, and spend time with my friends.

Nick Niemczyk

Flash Issues Team

Nick is a Junior politics major from Mendham, NJ who enjoys reading both fiction and non-fiction in his spare time. After studying at Catholic University, Nick plans on going to law school and becoming an attorney.

Matilda Zhao

Flash Issues Team

Matilda is a writer, poet, photographer, and soon-to-be law student. Her work has appeared in Adelaide Literary Magazine, Lily Poetry Review, and other publications.

Find the Student Editorial Staffs from previous years here.