Art I & II

Art I & II - Overview 

Foundations of Art I & II are both centered on the same objective, artistic literacy. However, units of study and projects, while focusing on increasing student knowledge and skill level, will not be the same in both courses. Students can expect to experience a variety of different techniques and media while being introduced to both historical and contemporary artists. Artistic ability is not required, as the focus is on the process and not the product. 

Course Description

In this course, students will have an opportunity to create and respond to visual arts, focusing on drawing, design, color, painting and sculpture. This course will introduce students to a variety of techniques and mediums that they will apply while creating original artwork. A variety of design elements, such as line, space, form, color, value and texture, as well as a variety of design principles, including balance, unity, contrast, emphasis, movement, rhythm and pattern, will be studied. Students will have an opportunity to appreciate and interpret works of art in terms of history, aesthetics and culture. Students also will begin developing a portfolio of original artwork. 

In accordance with the CTECS Visual Arts program philosophy, the arts program is responsive to our learners in the CTECS schools. The program supports the CTECS mission, teaches visual literacy and 21st century skills. The curriculum focus of art classes at Ellis Tech are implemented using the National Core Arts Standards. Individual units/lessons are designed using a combination of approaches, Disciplined Based Art Education (DBAE), Understanding by Design ( UbD™) framework and Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB). Combining these methods increases student engagement and deepens their understanding of the what it means to be an artistically literate citizen. Learning goals are identified, effective and engaging activities are planned with increasing student choice, and assessments are relevant to student learning.