

Jancarlos Cruz

Jancarlos is a junior automotive student. He enjoys being outdoors and hanging out with his girlfriend.

Jazmin Daley

Jazmin is a junior in electrical. In her spare time Jazmin works part-time and hangs with her friends.

Paul Friedmann

Paul is a junior in sustainable architecture. He is a self-proclaimed couch potato and loves chillin' with his dog and friends.

RJ Gaita

RJ is a student in health technologies. He likes long nighttime walks and trying new things.

Hendrik Kingo

Hendrik is in sustainable architecture. He plays both soccer and track and frequently serves as the Tiger Times editor.

Jordan Pierce

Jordan is a junior automotive student. He is the creative force behind ARMANIII and enjoys cruising around on his scooter.

Joxiel Pineiro-Rodriguez

Joxiel is a junior automotive student. He enjoys being outdoors wheeling on his scooter and hanging out with friends.

Caleb Smith

Caleb is in sustainable architecture. He works at an architectural firm, enlightens the world as Hendrik's CADD sensei, and frequently serves as the Tiger Times editor.


Jarod Harvell

Jarod is an Information Systems Technology student. He isn't normally as angry looking as this picture makes him appear.

Matthew Lattmann

Matthew is a culinary student. In his spare time he dabbles in fashion and invests in the stock market.

Thalia Pacheco

Thalia is a health technologies student. She is a soccer and track all-star who enjoys spending time with her little chihuahua named Chico.

Ryan Piscatelli

Ryan is in Information Systems Technology student. he plays football and baseball and is a big fan of the Oakland Raiders.

Emily Russi

Emily is a student in health technologies. She enjoys sleeping and cuddling puppies.

Eli Sorvillo

Eli is an HVAC student. He enjoys throwing shot-put for the track team and riding his bike.

Leanne Stallings

Leanne is a student in the carpentry trade.