Research projects

Some of my past and current research projects:

  • February 2020-January 2023

EMpowerment through liquid Integration of Migrant Youth in vulnerable conditions (MIMY), research project financed through HORIZON2020, GA 870700, responsible for P5, ASE Bucharest

  • April 2019-April 2023

Transnational Collaboration on Bullying, Migration and Integration at School Level, EUROPEAN COMMISSION, COST ACTION 18115, Management Committee Member, Substitute.

  • May 2015-May 2018

Mapping mobility – pathways, institutions and structural effects of youth mobility in Europe (MOVE), research project financed through HORIZON2020, responsible for P4, ASE Bucharest

  • December 2014-May 2015;

Pro Juvenes – trans-national partnership for an inclusive labour market for youth; Novapolis Association - Center for Analysis and Development Initiatives, 8 Inisor Street, Bucharest; Responsibilities: research on Romanian youth mobility for labor in Europe

  • March 2012 – December 2012

Rapid assessment of A2 Migration ; National Institute for Economic and Social Research, London; researcher.

  • June 2008 – July 2011

Labour migration in Romania and its influence on economic growth, Research Grant financed by IDEI national program, 2008-2011 , The Bucharest Univestity of Economic Studies, 6 Romana Square, Bucharest; Project director, principal investigator.

  • October 2006 – October 2008

Time use and life style. An analysis of the implications of new demographic trends on time use and life style in Romania and Europe, 2005-2007, Research Grant financed by CEEX national program, no 2981-10.10.2005, cod project 59 ; Project director, principal investigator.

  • June 2006-January 2008,

COST ACTION CA23, The Evaluation pf European Labor Market Programmes, MC Member

  • October 2005 - October 2006

Time use in Romania and in Europe, 2004-2005, Research Grant, financed by National Council for Higher Education Scientific Research Project director, principal investigator