Books and Book chapters

1. Goschin Z., Roman, M., Romanian Migration and Remittances in an Economic Crisis Context, 2014, ASE Publishing House, Statistics and Econometrics Collection, ISBN 978-606-505-820-0, 131 pages, http: // www.

2. Roman, M., Goschin Z., Roman, M., Popa, A., Ileanu, BV, Romanian emigration. Economic and Demographic Implications , 2012, ASE Publishing House, Statistics and Econometrics Collection, ISBN 978-606-505-534-6, 220 pag., Http:// Implicatii and-economic-demographic

3. Goschin Z., Voineagu V., Ţiţan E., Mitruţ C., Ghiţă S., Roman M., Lilea E., Vătui M., Pele D., Todose D. Methods and models of statistical analysis of productivity work , ASE, collect statistics and econometrics, ISBN 978-606-505-282-6, 2009, 273 p. + 978-606-505-282-6 ISBN # level = all & location = 0 & ob = q = asc & sb = ISBN + 978-606-505-282-6 & start = 0 & relevance & view = CONTENT

4. Ghinararu, C. (coord.), Roman, M. et al. Social Protection Indicators System in Romania , SRS & UNESCO Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007

5. Mitulescu, S., Roman, M., Roman, M. The youth in opinion polls dynamics , ANSIT Edition, 2004, Romania, ISBN: 973-41-040102

6. Roman, Monica, Human Resources in Romania. Evaluation and Efficiency , ASE Publishing House, 2003, Romania, ISBN: 973-594-345-x,

Book chapters

  • Andren, D., Roman M. (2016) Should I stay or should I go? Romanian migrants during transition and enlargements in Kahanec, M., and Zimmermann, K.F., ‘Migration and the Great Recession: Adjustments in the Labour Market of an Enlarged European Community’, p. 247-269, Springer,

  • Suciu, MC, Roman M., Ghetau, V, Demographics and Higher Education in Europe- Institutional Perspectives , Clujeana University Press, UNESCO CEPES, 2008, 570 pag.

  • Roman, M., Analysis of Labor Productivity and Industrial Sector Efficiency in Romania and Europe by the DEA Method , Chapter on Productivity, Salaries, Employment and Connection , Coordinator Cataniciu, N, pp. 39-49, Agora, 2009, 181 p.,

  • Roman Monica; Goschin Zizi; Ileanu Bogdan; Roman Mihai; Scientific research in Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies 200 Results obtained within the themes financed in the third quarter of 2009 from the Ideas, Partnerships programs; Chapter: The Effects of Labor Migration and Changes in Demographic Structures on Economic Dynamics, Ed. ASE, 2010, ISBN 978-606-505-288-8

  • Roman Mihai; Marin Dumitru; Andrei Ana; Sacarin Marian, Minu, M .; Roman Monica ; Scientific research in the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest. Results obtained within the themes funded under the Partnership Program; Chapter:

  • Multidisciplinary research on the design of innovative technologies and financial systems management through advanced structural and functional synthesis 164-170, Ed. ASE, 2009, ISBN 978-606-505-231-4

  • Roman Mihai; Marin Dumitru; Andrei Ana; Tiganescu Eugen; Roman Monica ; Paun Ramona - Scientific Research at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest 2008. Results obtained within the themes financed by grants from the Romanian Academy and CNCSIS grants; Chapter: Business Cycles and Economic Growth of Romania from the Perspective of Integration into the European Union, 228-235, Ed. ASE, 2009, ISBN 978-606-505-161-4