Peer-Reviewed Articles

  • Monica Roman (2019) Work and welfare take-up of enlargement migrants in the United Kingdom, Applied Economics Letters, 26(5), pp 341-344. DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2018.1470311.

  • Karen Hemming, Tabea Schlimbach, Frank Tillmann, Birte Nienaber, Monica Roman, Jan Skrobanek (2019). Structural framework conditions and individual motivations for youth-mobility: A macro-micro level approach for different European country-types, Migration Letters, 16(1), pp 45-59, DOI:

  • Dabasi-Halász, Z., Kiss, J., Manafi, I., Marinescu, D.E., Lipták, K., Roman, M. and Lorenzo-Rodriguez, J., 2018. International youth mobility in Eastern and Western Europe–the case of the Erasmus+ programme. Migration Letters, 16(1), pp.61-72.

  • Roman, Monica; Muresan, Laura Mihaela; Manafi, Ioana & Marinescu, Daniela (2018). Volunteering as international mobility: recent evidence from a post-socialist country, Transnational Social Review, 8(3), pp 252-272, .

  • Popescu, M.E. and Roman, M., 2018. Vocational training and employability: Evaluation evidence from Romania. Evaluation and program planning, 67, pp.38-46.

  • Manafi, I., Marinescu, D., Roman, M. and Hemming, K., 2017. Mobility in Europe: Recent Trends from a Cluster Analysis. Amfiteatru Economic, 19(46), pp. 711-726.

  • Roman M. et al., Testing reliability: factorial design with data from a log-epsilon-skew-normal distribution. , Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, Vol. 51, Nr. 3, 2017, pg. 143 - 160, ISSN:0424-267X

  • Roman, M. and Gotiu (Lucaciu), L. 2017. Non-parametric methods applied in the efficiency analysis of European structural funding in Romania. Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods, 18( 2).

  • Nikolova, M., Roman, M., Zimmermann, K.F. 2017. Left Behind but Doing Good? Civic Engagement in Two Post-Socialist Countries, Journal of Comparative Economics, 45(3), pp. 658-684.

  • Roman, M., Popescu, M.E., 2015. The effects of training on Romanian migrants’ income: a propensity score matching approach, Journal of Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research 1.49: pp. 113-129.

  • Roman, M. & Goschin, Z, 2014. "Return migration in an economic crisis context. A survey on Romanian healthcare professionals," Romanian Journal of Economics, Institute of National Economy, vol. 39(2(48)), pp. 100-120.

  • Asandului, L., Roman, M., & Fatulescu, P., 2014. The Efficiency of Healthcare Systems in Europe: a Data Envelopment Analysis Approach. Procedia Economics and Finance, 10, 261-268.

  • Andrén, D. & Roman, M., 2014. Should I Stay or Should I Go? Romanian Migrants during Transition and Enlargements, IZA Discussion Papers 8690, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA).

  • Roman M. 2013. Financial Effects of the International Migration in Europe: Modelling the Decision to Remit, Panoeconomicus, 60(4), pp. 541-555.

  • Goschin, Z. & Roman M. & Danciu A. R., 2013. "The Brain Drain Phenomenon In Romania. Magnitude, Characteristics, Implications," Revista Economica, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Economic Sciences, vol. 65(5), pp.190-206.

  • Roman, M. and Goschin Z. Romanian Immigrants Worldwide: What makes them Return Home?, Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, Volume 6(2), pp. 2-17.

  • Roman, M.. Migration and Population Decline in Post Communist Romania. Crossroads, The Macedonian Foreign Policy Journal, vol.3 (1), March 2012, pp. 25-37, ISSN 1857-5404;

  • Dimian, G. C. & Roman, M. & Muresan, L. 2012. Labour Force Perceptions About The Relationship Between Education System Performances And Labour Market Requirements, Romanian Statistical Review, vol. 60(6), pp. 46-65.

  • Goschin Z., Roman, M. 2012. Determinants of the Remitting Behaviour of Romanian Emigrants in an economic crisis context, Eastern Journal of European Studies, 3 (2), pp. 87-103;