self-reflection & college fit


When you are picking out your school clothes, you want them to fit you, right? To make sure they fit, you might shop specifics looks or choose based on comfort for what you will be doing each day. You will probably also try them on, read a size chart, or reviews. 

The same is true for potential colleges! Before you 'shop' for them, you will need to determine what you are seeking. Here are some free resources to guide students' self-reflection before researching colleges. 

College Essay Guy - There are plenty of FREE resources found at this link. Check out the Pre-Application resources for self-reflection exercises. 

Dr. Steven Antonoff - This website offers more FREE resources for reflection. Under "Share Resources," check out the worksheets and resources for college planning. 

Naviance Student - By the end of sophomore year, students have completed the Career Interest Inventory and the AchieveWorks Personality Inventory. These surveys provide insights to interests and personality characteristics that may guide your college research. Log in to review your results.

Discover You Reflection Handout - This handout is used during Junior Discover You sessions with counselors. It prompts you to consider what you need for academic, personal and financial elements of college. Use this reflection and the ones above to help you make a list of criteria for your college search. 

College Fit

College fit can be broken into the following three categories. Consider each of them as you reflect on what you need. 

Academic Fit

Will I be accepted?

Majors offered?

Class sizes?

Career Services?

Research opportunities?

Study abroad options?

Social/personal fit

School size?

School location?

Activities available?

Housing options?

Campus setting?

financial fit

Can my family and I afford this school with reasonable borrowing?

Are there merit or need-based  scholarships I might qualify for?

Net price calculators can help families answer these questions.

 Link to a tool that connects to any college's net price calculator.

Action Step:  make a criteria list

Make a list of criteria that you need and want in a college campus or experience. As you do this, consider what you learned in the self-reflection activities and the 3 categories of fit. Next, use the research tools to find schools that meet your criteria.