Requesting Letters of Recommendation

information to know before you start

If a teacher letter is needed, follow these stepS

Steps 2-4 must be completed 3 weeks before the recommendation is due.

1. Talk with the teacher in person about the request. Stay in communication with the teacher until the letter has been sent.

2. Complete the "Senior Information Sheet" in Naviance Student.  To access the survey, click on the arrow next to your initials, "Surveys From Your School" and then "Senior Information Sheet." (Picture on the right).

3. Add your colleges to Naviance Student (Colleges I'm Applying to List). If you are using Common Application, you must match your Common App and Naviance Student accounts.

4. Make the recommendation request in Naviance Student by clicking on "Letters of Recommendation" (Picture below). 

5. Click "Add Request" and select the teacher from the drop down menu. Check the appropriate school/s. Add a personal note if needed.

6. Click on "Submit Request."

7. Check the status of your request by viewing the Letters of Recommendation section in Naviance Student (Status column). 

**If you add schools after a teacher/counselor has already submitted your recommendation, be sure to make a new request in Naviance and reach out to inform the teacher/counselor.**

Follow these steps for Counselor Letter of Recommendation