Discover You
Post-Secondary Planning RESOURCES
DGN Students and Families:
This website is a compilation of resources to help students create a post-secondary plan. Counselors will meet with students in groups each school year to provide resources that will support students' exploration and research.
The DGN Counseling and Student Support Services Department is looking forward to partnering with you as you explore future options. If you have questions about these resources or need more information, please reach out to your student's counselor.
Students will carry out the post-high school plans they have been working on this year.
Review student transcript with reminders shared re: college apps and test scores
Complete Post-Secondary Planning Form
Engage with the College & Career Planning website of resources
Senior Discover You #2
Complete the 2025 DGN Graduation Survey
Complete the 2025 District 99 Senior Exit Survey
Junior Discover you #1
Students will learn about the importance of grades & class rigor, testing, and post-high school planning research.
Students will explore tools and resources to develop their post-secondary plan using the documents below.
Day 1
Day 2
Continue to use this website and additional resources to reflect on your needs and interests, research options, and gain experiences.
Specific resources and ideas can be found on this document
junior discover you #2
Reflect on what you need in a career, college, or military experience
Create a list of criteria to guide your research
Review testing requirements for graduation and college admission
Get started with Schoolinks
Research careers, college, or military opportunities that fit your needs